
Pharmacy is an intriguing, and mutable field in our society today. A particularly attractive feature of this career is the wide variety of opportunities that one is afforded. The versatility in having a Doctor of Pharmacy is quite rewarding and promising. Nevertheless, it is essential to know ones intentions and motivations in considering a career in Pharmacy. My interests are engrained in my desire to be an active component in the enhancement in others health, to be conversant in topics relating to different areas of healthcare, and acquire the means to be able to grow, and evolve in this profession.

I’ve always wanted to be a pharmacist. I can remember being an adolescent going to the local pharmacy with my grandmother. I admired the way our local pharmacist always dressed in a nice clean white coat; he looked very relaxed and personable, she would give him her prescription, and he would give her something that would improve her quality of life. It is through this observation that my interest in this profession sparked. My character is built on the principle of compassion. I have always had fervor for caring for other people and aiding to their well being.

I am searching for more meaningful experiences in the field of pharmacy although I have played an important role in health care by being an intake coordinator for a mental health agency. When I visit a pharmacy I am met with enthusiasm and care, especially when I am consulted on my medication. Pharmacist gives the patient a sense of comfort that they are being cared for and helped in a meaningful way. Through these facts solidified my decision in obtaining a Doctor of Pharmacy. My matriculation through college was extremely intriguing and met with great rigor.

Through my advanced science courses, I have learned about life and health on many different levels. The body, its systems and their corresponding functions are topics that highly interested me. It is quite captivating learning about the biological and chemical makeup of the human body coupled with learning about environmental factors that affect the human system as well.

I am looking forward to entering the professional program to learn in meticulous detail about many different medicines and their nteractions on the human system; learning how to measure a medicines benefit and harm to the human system through pharmacology. I am also ecstatic on how I can use this newly gained knowledge in my personal life. My interest in becoming pharmacist will afford me the opportunity to use my knowledge on a local, state and possible federal level and stay current with the new medicines and technology in our health care system. It is extremely important to me to have a passion and zeal for whatever I challenge myself to do.

Since I believe that we have control over our own path, I am choosing a career in Pharmacy which will provide my life with meaning, purpose, and the ability to meet existing and future health care needs. My potential to succeed has always been realized early especially being a graduate from one of the most prestigious high schools in our country, The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. I planned to continue to pursue excellence and challenge myself and hopefully it’s is your institution where this can be done.

A career in the health care industry has always been very attractive to me because of my inherent desire to help sick people. One of the best spectacles that a compassionate person could behold is watching ailing persons make their …

Pharmacy is an intriguing, and mutable field in our society today. A particularly attractive feature of this career is the wide variety of opportunities that one is afforded. The versatility in having a Doctor of Pharmacy is quite rewarding and …

Pharmacy is one of the most challenging but highly rewarding professions in the field of medicine. Aside from this, pharmacists are considered as an integral part of the health care industry. Without their expertise and skills, patients would simply get …

My interest and desire to pursue a career in health care service comes from my thirteen years of immigrant life. I was born in South Korea, moved to Argentina at age 11, and then to the United States at age …

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