One of the impending fears of the parents, especially the conceiving mothers, is to have their child born with abnormalities and conditions, especially those genetic in nature that usually possess no direct treatment. The anxiety that occurs to the parents is usually the conceptual urge that they might not be able to acquire a normal family with an abnormal condition of their child, such as those with Down syndrome (Harris, 2005 p. 194). The condition is permanent and, most likely, gradually modifiable accompanied by costly therapies and treatments.
Such condition is very much frustrating and disappointing especially for the parents. Most often than not, families with Down syndrome patients view their child as an inactive, unproductive, and to the point of insignificance. In fact, they nurse and nurture the child until they serve their burden character in the family, which triggers further depression, anxiety and frustration among these parents. In addition, the fear of having another child or future conceptions may be affected if a Down syndromic child has been born in their lineage.
The family expansion tends to be withdrawn and halted, or to the point of family breakdown (Place, 2007). However, such perception is not considered to be the overall established mechanism of Down syndrome child management in the family. Other informed and educated families, despite of their child’s condition, even enhances their child’s development, nurture the fad in which they are in, enhances social interaction, and further development (Harris, 2005 p. 194; Place, 2007). Although, some point of these procedures require costly services especially for special child care and affiliations to such institutions.