Personality development

Every human being possesses a personality which makes the difference from other individuals, and it develops at every stage of life. To understanding the people’s personal qualities, their self-development, helping others, and how they behave to other people; leads to the understanding and unlocking of human personalities. In this world everyone has it own personality and some of them are the dual personality. Physical gestures also present the people’s personality, but the personality other aspects are a person is happy or sad; smart or dull; energetic or lazy.

These are two different aspects of personality but mostly definitions are referring to the mental system to judge and define the personality. People act and behave according to the situation and they can mold themselves. Personality development start from the childhood and in its development individuated and collective factors are involved which are further discussion. Many theories and models were described by many authors to understand the personality and its traits which are describe in next section. Personality derived from the Latin word ‘persona’ meaning ‘mask’; which make a distinction from the rest of the peoples.

Personality is the psychological characteristic of a person’s life; which presents their feelings, skills, motives, behaviors and thoughts. There are many definitions of Personality which are described by many authors. Warren and Carmichael (1930) define, “Personality is the entire mental organization of a human being at any stage of his development. It embraces every phase of human character: intellect, temperament, skill, morality, and every attitude that has been built up in the course of one’s life.

” Hall and Lindzev (1957) define it as the essence of a human being; and Mayer (2005) defines it such as: “An individual’s pattern of psychological processes arising from motives, feelings, thoughts, and other major areas of psychological function. Personality is expressed through its influences on the body, in conscious mental life, and through the individual’s social behavior. ” Every individual in this world has different types of characteristics, behavior and values. Even the twin also has different type of traits and personalities because of different personalities everyone manage to understand each other.

There are many types of personalities which are described by many authors. Some of the personality type and theories are Hippocrates Theory of the Four Personality Types and jung’s Eight Personality Types. The Hippocrates described the four different types of Personality which are: the Sanguine, the Choleric, the Melancholic, and the Phlegmatic (Source: Merenda (1987). The Sanguine personality peoples are more charming and with more sense of humor; they are optimistic, confident, and rational. The Sanguine people have a lot of energy but the problem with them is finding of the course of action where they can use it.

The Choleric personality peoples are extroverts who are more task-oriented and control their lives. They are achiever and leader with great ambition, energy and encourage others and achieve their goals. But the negative thing is they become angered and bad tempered very soon. The Melancholy personality peoples are very organized and uncompromising. They are very kind, considerate, thoughtful, highly creative and talented. These personality people are introvert, very sensitive and self-sacrificing; but the negative aspect of these personality are tendencies to generate low self-esteem.

And at the end Phlegmatic personalities are introverts who are very concerned about relationship with others; they are self-content, kind, peace lover and shy. They can make friends very easily because of their relaxed and easygoing nature. But these type of people make themselves lazy and also resist to change. Second theory is Jung’s Eight Personality Types; Sharp (1987) described the Carl Jung presented the eight personality types and he believed that individuals have different psychological types.

In its basic model Jung makes a distinction the eight typological groups where two personality attitudes introversion and extraversion and four modes of orientation which are thinking, sensation, intuition and feeling and these four modes are operated in introverted and extraverted way. Following eight personality types are created by Jung: Extraverted Sensing Introverted Sensing Extraverted Intuition Introverted Intuition Extraverted Thinking Introverted Thinking Extraverted Feeling Introverted Feeling Personality Development and it importance? A. Personality Development Stages B.

Personality Will Help You Build Strong Personal Relationships C. Personality Will Dictate Success in Your Career D. Personality Development Helps You Improve E. Importance of Character in Personality Development F. Importance of Behavior in Personality Development G. Importance of Speech in Personality Development Personalities develop with times and change with time where human learn with every stage of life. Personality development is divided into different stage and these stages are not hard and fast division, these divisions are as follows:  Infancy Toddlerhood Childhood  Adolescence

Emerging Adulthood  Adulthood, and  Old Age/Maturity In personality development societies play very important role from infancy. In societies Individualistic and Collective behavior or elements play very important role in personality development. Presently in this world many people are still living in collective society or authoritarian system like in Africa, Asia and South America. While in western social political systems individualistic system is strong which enables them to make their individual personality. The difference between these two systems is presented in the following figure (Dwairy, 2002).

These are the different personality development stages and system which leads to the personality development. Like in infancy, toddlerhood and childhood personality development; parent play important role in individualistic life system; while in collective system with parents and family both influence on personality development. After that other factors like society, close circle relations, education, and friends also play important role in personality growth and development. The Individuation Process and personality development is divided into three parts which are pre-individuation, individuation and the post-individuation process.

In individuation process of personality development starts from childhood, where parents are key influencing factor in personality development. The second stage is individuation, which is the adolescent stage where the family is influencing factor. The third stage is post-individuation which is the adult stage, at his stage of personality development family involved. In personality developments two major observations are observed by the theorist are; feeling process occurring in individuals and the ongoing personal relationship.

The Feeling Process of personality change or development is very effective in personality development because in this process individual sensed and observe the thing very concretely and fell them very emotionally. Because of this feeling and observations the individuals feel directly and gain experience which exceeds the individual’s intellectual grasp. The second process of personality development is the Personal Relationship, just as the feeling process play important role in personality development; the personal relationship is also a major factor in personality growth and change.

Effective personal relational helps the individuals in personality development which can affect them positively and negatively. We observe that when individuals speak with other regarding any aspect then the little change occurs in personality. Individuals take the suggestion; adopt the other’s habits, thoughts and attitudes through their personal relationships; which help them in developing their personality (Worchel and Byrne, 1964). In 1976 loevinger described the personality development process which is called Loevinger system.

In which he describe the personality development is the process of the succession of stages, where each stage has different developmental milestone objectives or targets. These Six stages of personality development are impulsive stage; self-protective stage; conformist stage; self-aware stage; conscientious stage; and individual and autonomous stages. In Impulsive stage parents and the peers are the constant source of information, reflecting the careless of the feelings of others during this period and the individuals wants immediate satisfaction of their requirements.

The next stage is self protecting stage, where the self control emerged and motivates the individuals from the trouble and punishment; individual feels happy and sad; where the experience are perceived as fun or not fun. Third stage is Conformist.

Reference: Hall, C. S. , & Lindzey, G. (1957). Theories of personality. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Mayer, J. D. (2005). A classification of DSM-IV-TR mental disorders according to their relation to the personality system. In J. C. Thomas & D. L. Segal (Eds. ), Comprehensive handbook of personality and psychopathology (CHOPP) Vol.

1: Personality and everyday functioning. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Warren, H. C. , & Carmichael, L. , Elements of human psychology (Rev. Ed. ; Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1930), p. 333/Cited in Allport, Pattern & growth in personality (1937/1961, p. 36). Merenda, F. P. (1987). Towards A Four-Factor Theory of Temperament and/or Personality.

Journal of Personality Assessment; Vol:51; No:3, pp. 367-374. Sharp. D. (1987). Personality Types: Jung’s Model of Typology. Canada: Inter City Book Worchel, p. , & Byrne. D. , (1964). Personality Change. New York, John Wiley & Sons.

Every human being possesses a personality which makes the difference from other individuals, and it develops at every stage of life. To understanding the people’s personal qualities, their self-development, helping others, and how they behave to other people; leads to …

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The concept of personality is needed in psychology. There are many definitions and expressions of personality. Allport, 1961 identified it as: ‘Personality is the dynamic organization, within the person, of psychophysical systems that create the person’s characteristic patterns of behaviour, …

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