Personal Portfolio on Gaelic Football

The sport I have chosen for my portfolio is Gaelic Football. I am going to name the abilities that I need to be able to play football to a reasonable standard and justify them. Also I am going to explain what the particular skills are that are needed to play Gaelic Football and give my strengths and weaknesses as a player of the sport. What abilities do I need to be a Gaelic Footballer? Playing at centre half forward which is one of the most important on the pitch (number 11 on the above diagram), I have to have several different abilities to play well in Gaelic Football.

There are various gross motor abilities and perceptual abilities that are essential to be a good Gaelic Footballer, and many more that help to make a good player. These are the needed gross motor abilities Psychomotor skills – These skills, which combine all of the three above, are vital for Gaelic Footballers. An example could be when a back sees the ball being played forward by the opposition towards his marker. The back will use cognitive and perceptual skills to judge whether they can safely attack the ball without leaving his marker in a dangerous position or leave his fellow backs open to attack.

If they then decide it is best to go to the ball they will use motor skills to put their body into the correct position. My strengths and weaknesses as a Gaelic Footballer When I play in Gaelic Football matches I play in the forwards. Predominantly my position is centre half forward (number 11 on the diagram), however I have the ability to play in any of the other forwards positions. Centre half forward is an extremely important position for anyone to play and so in any match I have to be entirely focused on the game ahead. My strengths

In Gaelic football, it is essential you have upper body strength to win aerial challenges and to hold off opposition players when you have possession of the ball. I believe I have good upper body strength, however it could be improved which would make me a better player. I am good at judging situations and know where players on my team are when I am in possession of the ball. I also have brilliant accuracy when it comes to shooting and I also take frees (free kicks) for my club which shows they believe I have great accuracy too.

I also am able to make a wide range of passes, short and long using both my hands and feet. My weaknesses Although I have good upper body strength, I still feel it could be improved to make me an even better player. I also have average stamina, but maybe increasing stamina levels could improve me as a whole giving me the ability to get into better positions and more quickly for the whole 70 minutes instead of just 60 for instance.

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