Personal Fitness

In this essay I will be examining the qualities needed for self discipline in the army and I will explain why these are necessary for effective operation of the service and then I will explain the possible impact of the lack of self discipline. I have watched a video “9/11” as this will help me with a better understanding of self discipline. I believe that one of the most essential factors of self discipline in the army is the ability to follow orders as this is what is introduced to new recruits as soon as they enter, if they lack in this then they will not even get past the first stages of training.

I think the next key factor is teamwork because their fellow recruits are going to be their new family for the next couple of years and if they don’t have the ability to trust and work together then they would be ineffective if they ever go to war. Personal fitness is also essential because if they cant go through the training stages due to them not being able to carry out the physical exercises then they would pull their team behind because they always have to stick as a team. Giving your best is also needed because sometimes physical ability is not always looked for in new recruits as giving 100% all the time is more important because it shows their dedication to the army and if they have that much dedication then they would give it their all in battle and show no fear.

Following orders will provide effective operation in service because it enables successful teamwork because if everybody follows their orders then all the operations will run smoothly as long as the orders are correct. It would also limit accidents because everybody would be using the equipment correctly so there would be no chance of accidents. Teamwork would create trust which is essential because their needs to be a lot of trust if the soldiers are to risk their lives for each other it would also improve job satisfaction because your teammates are your best friends then your going to enjoy all the time that your together and want to work harder for each other.

Personal Fitness would maximize efficiency because if everybody can carry all their equipment and still run for miles then they would be effective in service all the time and not need to stop for a rest which could put the whole team in danger. Giving all you can would enable the service to be the best it can because if everybody is always giving 100% then they would keep on improving, it would also improve trust in the service which would improve the confidence of the public in them which could lead to them receiving more funding.

If the army was lacking in any of these key factors then there would be a serious chance of them failing in service due to there being no trust which would mean that you would not feel safe doing your job because you didn’t believe in the capabilities of your team mates, this would mean that you wouldn’t be able to fully concentrate on your job which would decrease the effectiveness of the team. If the effectiveness of the team is reduced it would also waste public money.

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