Personal Exercise Program

If you are training for a particular position in a particular sport, you need to consider what muscles and types of fitness are emphasised in your activity. If you aren’t training for a particular sport, then you need to consider your height, weight, gender, body shape, and goals before you choose a training program. For example If you are training to lose weight, you should emphasise more cardiovascular activities with some moderate strength training. If you want to “pump up” your muscles, then you will probably spend most of your session lifting weights. Progression

It means increasing the overload over a period of time-not all at once. It is generally accepted that if a person starts out running a mile each day, they can progress by increasing the distance or decreasing their time. Progression seems to happen naturally as your exercises feel easier over time – you will probably seek out more of a challenge by increasing the intensity, duration and frequency of the exercises. If you don’t do this, you will probably get bored very quickly. Overload Overload just means doing a little more work over time, as you get stronger.

Running two miles every three days is fine to maintain a level of healthy fitness. If you were a competitive runner, however, you would need to add more distance (adding in duration) as you trained, or decrease the speed of your set distance (adding in intensity) as you progress. To build more muscles in the arms, you would have to keep increasing the amount of weight (intensity) or the number of repetitions (frequency) to progress. Reversibility “If you don’t use it, you lose it”. Another annoyingly true slogan, and the main tenet of reversibility.

Any athlete training after time off caused by injury knows that (s)he cannot pick up exactly where (s)he left off. Unfortunately, the body seems to lose muscle much more quickly than it is gained. A general proportion is 3:1, missing one week’s training requires three weeks to get back to the same level. If you are unable to train for a length of time, begin with regaining your cardiovascular level. This will help your body fuel the muscles where you need to rebuild strength. Tedious This factor means that training in the same way every time you train can be very boring and tedious and so exercises shpuld be varied to make training more fun

FITT Principle For each type of exercise you do during your session, your should apply the following: 1. Frequency How often you do the exercise (be it an individual set or the whole session) 2. Intensity The difficulty of the exercise: it could be the amount of weight, or the speed you move. 3. Time The duration of the exercise: for fitness, this should be at least 20 minutes a day. 4. Type What kind of exercise: vary what you do to keep it interesting, and to work all the different muscles. Method Principles of training for my P. E. P. for rugby

Specificity: Being a scrum half in rugby, I will need to look at mainly aerobic and could do some anaerobic training; also I will focus on my shoulder and arm muscles for passing and strength when going into contact Progression: for my aerobic training I will jog 25seconds of 15meter shuttle runs and 25 seconds of bench steps this will increase my anaerobic level of fitness. To strengthen my arm and shoulder muscles I’ll do 25 seconds on press-ups, sit-ups, bicep curls, lunges, and trunges.

Overload: I will overload by doing each exercise for a longer time i. e. after 1 week do each exercise for 35 seconds the 45 seconds. Or/and I could go round the circuit 1 extra time each week, or/and I could try and increase the speed of that exercise i. e. try and do 1 more shuttle run in the 25 seconds than you did last time or 5 more press-ups. Tedious: To prevent the training becoming tedious I could exercise with different people or in different places and I could listen to music. Reversibility :If I stopped training or lowered the intensity; my aerobic and anaerobic fitness would start to decrease a week later at a steep rate and may return back to normal after 3 weeks.

Warm up The warm up is very important, as the exercises you will be doing are very demanding. The warm up will increase the blood flow and heart rate, warm up the muscles, warms and loosens joints. This will prevent any injuries to the muscles or joints. After getting changed I will warm up in a standard way, first I will take a 4 minute jog to warm myself up and get blood pumping around faster this will prepare me to stretch. First I’ll stretch my neck then, shoulder, triceps and biceps, I will then focus on my hamstrings and quadriceps particularly for about 3 minutes.

I will then go for a two minute jog again After stretching my hamstrings and quadriceps again then my glastrocnemiuis and rotate my ankles to loosen them. I will then go for a two minute jog then 30 seconds at 3/4 pace and then a 15 second sprint. Then I will be ready to exercise fully Warm down Light exercise shortens the recovery time necessary to by helping remove carbon dioxide, lactic acid by ensuring blood continues to pumped round by contracting muscles and doesn’t build in skeletal muscles.

The cool down should tale between 10 and 15 minutes, five minutes to return the pulse to normal then 10 minutes of static stretching to disperse lactic acid. Static stretching in the warm up should take longer than in the warm up, about 30 seconds on mainly the hamstrings, Quadriceps, glastrocnemiuiss, biceps and triceps as the were used most in my P. E. P. so should be re-stretched most. Otherwise as in the Warm up stretches will be done in sequence, starting at the top and gradually working down the body. To finish with I will just go for a 2 minutes walk.

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The principles of a training circuit are to improve local muscular endurance and also to improve cardiovascular fitness and circulo-respiratory fitness (i. e. the heart, blood, blood vessels and the lungs). Circuit training involves a number of exercises, set out …

For my G.C.S.E Physical Education coursework project I have been asked to design a six-week training program for myself and perform this program recording the results of the program. One of the requirements of the program is that it should …

I am going to organise my plan and then perform a personal exercise program. The overall aims of my personal exercise program are to: 1. Improve specific and current fitness levels required for my sporting activity Cricket e.g. Cardio vascular …

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