Personal Exercise Plan

Hold this stretch for 8 – 20 seconds Important rules for stretching: 1) Never stretch cold muscles. The best time to stretch is after your walk. If you have problem areas they can be stretched prior to your walk, but only do this after you have warmed up. 2) Do not bounce. Go into a stretch slowly and hold gently. Stretch to the point of feeling a gentle pull, but never to the point of pain 3) Hold each stretch for 30 to 40 seconds. If you have problems with a particular area stretch that area twice. (hold for 30-40 seconds release, then stretch again. )

Resting pulse rate is the heart at its rest rate. Resting pulse rates very but normally between 60-80 b. p. m. A person who exercises regularly may have a resting pulse of 50-60 b. p. m. If we exercise regularly we will see a significant decrease in the heart rate. We can also see that the heart of a fit person will beat far fewer times, therefore it will be much more efficient causing less stress to be put on the heart. The pulse can be measured at a number of sites but the two most common are found by putting the index and middle fingers to one side of the Adam’s apple and applying slight pressure;

The other is found again by putting the index and the middle fingers but this time on the palm side of the wrist, just above the thumb. The working pulse rate is a measurement of pulse rate taken immediately after exercise. This is only a simple outline of my programme. I will be referring back to this programme throughout my training. I will be doing 3 sessions a week and I hope to see a vast improvement in my fitness. I am training for netball and I will be using relevant exercises to help me in this sport. The two methods of training I will be using in my p. e. p are INTERVAL and CIRCUIT.

I have chosen interval training because it is a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic respiration. It includes a work of high intensity and is good for aerobic and anaerobic training. It involves periods of work followed by periods of rest (each one of these is called a ‘rep’). A number of reps are called a set; a training session would include a certain number of sets. I chose this type of training because it is perfect for my stamina and the sports that I have chosen to work for. My general fitness will improve as well, which will affect my performance, hopefully making it better of course!!

Specificity This means if you wish to develop a certain aspect of training, say cardiovascular fitness, then you emphasize that aspect in your training. E. g. if the sport you’re training for is squash: your training will be quite different to someone who is training for a marathon. Overload Often mistaken for ‘too much’ this is NOT what it means. Overloads means training in a worthwhile range of intensity above the minimum required, to improve fitness, known as the minimum threshold of training and below the maximum. The area in-between the two is known as the ‘Target Zone’

Progression Having planned a training programme and followed I, the athlete would need to reset and evaluate their fitness levels and to check for improvements or otherwise. This then brings us to the principle of progression this involves further planning to produce another programme that would take the athlete onto a higher level. So basically it means to gradually increase training programme. Reversibility If training gradually improves fitness over a long period of time what happens is less training takes place, Or if the training sessions are made easier?

It means that instead of progressing or staying the same you lose fitness. A Low Fitness Person would train at 50% to 70% of 180 beats per minute, which is 90 – 126. They should keep their heart rate between 90 and 126 beats per minute for the required time of the exercise. A Higher Fitness Person would train at 70% to 90% of 180 beats per minute, which is 126 – 162. They should keep their heart rate between 126 to 162 beats per minute for the required time of the exercise. FITT in more detail:

Frequency = Exercise a minimum of 3 times per week. Little additional training benefits occur when the frequency is greater than 5 times per week when compared to the amount of effort involved. Intensity =You must maintain your heart rate in the ‘Target Heart Rate Zone’ for the required time to gain benefits. Your ‘Target Zone’ (as its called for short,) is determined by your fitness level and your age. Low fitness individuals will attain results training at 50% to 70% of their maximum heart rate as their Target Heart Rate Zone.

Higher fitness individuals will train at 70% to 85% of their maximum heart rate as their Target Heart Rate Zone. Time = It is necessary to maintain your proper intensity (target zone) for a duration that will benefit you. Low Fitness individuals should maintain their heart rates in their target zone for a minimum of 12 to 15 minutes. This does not include warm-up or cool down periods. As your fitness level increases the exercise time in your target zone can be extended to 20 – 60 minutes of continuous aerobic activity.

Unless you are a competitive athlete, training beyond 60 minutes in your target heart rate zone. This provides little additional training benefits for the amount of effort exerted. If you are overweight however, long training sessions at a low intensity (50% to 60% of maximum heart rate) employ fat as an energy source and are helpful in a weight/fat reduction program. Type = Choose an exercise that will involve as much muscle mass as possible. In other words, exercises that use the whole body or the larger muscle groups such as the legs and/or the back.

The principles of a training circuit are to improve local muscular endurance and also to improve cardiovascular fitness and circulo-respiratory fitness (i. e. the heart, blood, blood vessels and the lungs). Circuit training involves a number of exercises, set out …

I will apply frequency into my programme by doing my exercises on a regular basis; I will start with 2 sessions a week and then gradually increase the number of sessions over the 6-week period as my fitness improves. Intensity- …

During the summer Holidays I will plan and carry out a personal exercise plan (PEP)that is suited to my needs and my dedicated sport in which I participate in, which is Basket Ball. This plan will include information on the …

Introduction- my personal exercise plan is going to be based on fitness. The reason why I chose fitness is because it’s the sport that I feel contsains the most amount of sport that I enjoy and am at my best …

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