People in sporting situations

In this assignment I am going to explain what extrovert and introvert means then investigate the affects of being an extrovert or introvert in sporting situations. I am also going to assess two sports people in each football, tennis and rugby and identify who is an extravert or introvert. At the end of the assignment I am going to discuss whether I think we are born with our personalities. Extroverts Extroverts tend to be energetic and enjoy being around people. The like attention and getting interaction from other people, extroverts tend to be enthusiastic, talkative, and assertive.

Extroverts enjoy doing activities that involve other people, such as taking part in community activities; their affinities to large groups allow them to enjoy large social gatherings including parties usually they are the life of the party. As such, an extroverted person is likely to enjoy time spent with people and find less reward in time spent alone. Introverts Introverts are “geared to sit back and watch” rather than to act in social settings. In a large social setting, introverts tend to be quiet, low-key, shy, and disengaged, and this is due to introvert’s loss of energy when with a large number of people.

Introverts gain energy when performing activities alone. They tend to enjoy reading, writing, watching movies at home, inventing, and designing and doing these activities in quiet, non interactive environment such as home, library, parks/gardens, and quiet coffee shops. While introverts avoid social situations with large numbers of people, they tend to enjoy intense, one-to-one or one-to-few group interactions. They tend to have small circle of very close friends, compared to the extroverts’ typically larger circle of less close friends.

Gary Neville is an extrovert footballer he is not shy of showing his authority, passion, enthusiasm on and off the pitch also you often see him screaming encouragement and instructions to other united players on the pitch. Before he was appointed captain he had been captain for some games when Roy Keane was injured. This shows he would have to have similar characteristics on the pitch to the very extroverted (on the pitch) former captain. In season 2003-2004 there was a head butt incident with Manchester City’s Steve McManaman.

This also supports that he is an extrovert because introverts do not like confrontation. Gary Neville is not shy to the media he is often speaking his opinions in newspapers or on TV He has a reputation as the ‘Shop Steward’ because of his outspoken defence of team-mates against the FA and media. He was allegedly the ringleader of a plot to boycott a Euro 2004 qualifier against Turkey in support of Rio Ferdinand who had banned for missing a drugs test and was believed to be behind a player protest in support of Alan Smith, after he was dropped from the England squad.

I believe this justifies that Gary Neville is an extravert he is very outspoken on and off the pitch. He has shows he is not afraid (I believe he likes the media attention) of media attention and speaking his mind which is often controversial. If he was an introvert he would keep away of the media and would not be outspoken on the pitch. Michael Owen Michael Owen is an introverted football player he tends to keep to himself on and off the pitch. He is not a big lowed authority figure on the pitch more of a quiet player.

He only speaks to the media about football and does not voice any opinions concerning other players or the FA etc. Michael Owen has a low yellow and red card record which shows he does not like confrontation. At the beginning of Michael Owens career he was very introverted hardly anybody new of him before the 1998 world cup and the Argentina goal that made him famous. Through his career he has got used to the media attention and the pressures of football, I believe that he is less introverted know than he was at the beginning of his career but still is an introverted football player.

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