PD Rehabilitation program effectiveness

In medical environment PD (Parkinson’s disease), affects more than 1 million persons in the US. Whereby about 0. 5 million patients receives the medical care within the US health care services. It should be noted that those veterans who receive medical care they are ever increasing in mass within the US. Therefore this has been the concern of the Veterans Health Administration to improve their medical care. This was advanced through introduction of six PADRECC (Parkinson’s disease Research, Education, and Clinical Centers). These centers are responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of the PD.

In addition to that PADRECC is responsible with research and educates the patients and professional society about the PD. This initiative of Veterans Health Administration has seen introduction of the inpatient and outpatient multidisciplinary rehabilitation program for minorities with PD. Therefore this research shall closely examine the effectiveness of the program. The evidence that have been obtained from the results of the PD positive veterans indicates that there are great benefits of physiotherapy, in fact most afflicted persons are for the services(Kraft, Finlayson, 2005, p. 237).

Furthermore there has been an increased number in random but controlled trials in clinics for physiotherapy which indicates that the intervention is effective, since people use and get positive result or else they would not prefer it. However the empirical evidence for the effectiveness remains at a lower scale both in terms of quality and quantity. Therefore it is necessary for the other credible scientific research to be done across the range of these physiotherapeutic programs.

Hence this research is aimed at giving a helping hand to the Veterans Health Administration with areas of research priorities and research proposals that are geared towards helping to understand the issues that are related to PD interventions. Concerning this projected aim this research paper shall discuss wide range of the literatures that are available from other scholars in the same line of interest, examine the interventions applicable to the PD currently to veterans and look at the relevance of the physiotherapy used with evidence from real results.

Then it is worthy to point out that evidences shall be based on the reports, clinical experience or retrieved from the past conducted empirical studies. Lastly the paper shall give the recommendations for the future researches. In medical scenario there have been a wide acknowledgement that there is a great challenge in conducting physiotherapy research in PD. The first and foremost is the lack of universally accepted and suitable methodologies in conducting this research that shall have a clinically relevant (Robinson, Paul , 2001, p.72).

This is because the nature of the interventions which are complex, multi- factorial and lacks standardization, hence they can not enhance constructive experiment that is usually used reductionism approach in basic sciences or in evaluation of drug therapies. Secondly, there is a short fall of the physiotherapy professionals which results to lack of expatriates, therefore giving rise to challenge of lacking high quality proposals which is a challenge to the PD intervention research.

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