PD management and nursing

However it is difficult to synthesize and aggregate Results because differing packages of care are examined which gives the differing outcomes used as a measure of effectiveness. Additionally, there is lack of research that examines the cost of these care packages. But the long term benefit seems to suggest that no single care is better than the other. Therefore further work is required in this field to increase the scope of knowledge and research material for proper and appropriate evaluation.

This can be attained through analyzing the individual components of physiotherapy separately. This is conducted by separating these treatment components and then subjected to scientific investigations. In this scientific examination of the individual components there are quite a number of practical problems. These problems are in terms of difficult in specifying interventions, large total number of interventions, variation in patients, and difficulties in identifying homogenous groups and difficult to generalize the findings (Davidson, Sylvester, 2004, p.354).

This translates to the complexity involved in the research in terms of time that can be taken to arrive at the comprehensive evaluation. But however hard and involving it may be it should be used to get conclusive results. This is because unless the parts are determined the whole can not materialize. In this line of thought some studied attempt in giving the effectiveness of some key interventions follows below. Evaluating exercise programs is the fastest growing area of research into physiotherapy related aspects of PD rehabilitation currently.

Additionally, there has been a witnessed increase in clinical interest to develop exercises to combat the Parkinson’s disease amongst the veterans. This is important because this research paper entitles the community based PD management in highly rated persons. The review on the exercises in PD has been undertaken and report on the inpatient and outpatients rehabilitation programs (Johnson, Gregory, 2000, p. 301). The controlled trials involves two hundred and sixty (260) persons with PD, the trials research examine exercise therapies.

Literature defines exercise therapy as series of body movements aimed to train the body to promote good physical health. In this exercise program evaluation it points out the difficulties in obtaining a meaningful data to arrive at the enormous diversity in the settings and content of the exercise programs, firm conclusions and outcome measures. The study does not include the evaluation of the cost benefit and cost effectiveness.

The review of the study shows that there no deleterious effects appear to occur with exercise programs of this nature. Therefore it can be concluded that inclusion of such exercises in the lifestyle of person’s and applying the exercise that nature over several weeks is of benefit in PD affected persons. This reflects the fact that behavioral change can be of importance in relation to PD management and nursing. However there is a problem of lack of specificity, hence need for further studies on the research.

As a result of the two challenges facing the research in the PD makes the researches to be done in piecemeal style hence renders difficulty in being funded. This fact have been addressed with the funding bodies that the funds …

In medical environment PD (Parkinson’s disease), affects more than 1 million persons in the US. Whereby about 0. 5 million patients receives the medical care within the US health care services. It should be noted that those veterans who receive …

Individuals classified as late majority in the Diffusion of Innovations Theory also tend to go with the flow. It may take them time to adopt a change. Nevertheless, change agents who are successful at implementing strategies for making change happen …

Total Health Management: A Wise Investment for the Health of Your Workforce and Bottom Line The article tries to prove that companies that care for the helath of their employees through total health management (THM) have a better cost-effectiveness, lower …

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