Past, Present and Future of DNA Recombinant Technology

DNA recombinant technology is a field of molecular biology where DNA scientists are able to splice DNA and can recreate it in another organism for the purpose creating copies of the original DNA set. Synthetic molecules are created which are copies of the natural DNA sample used in the beginning. The Past The theory of cloning has been floating around for decades but in 1972 breakthrough developments were achieved in DNA Recombinant technology by Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen. These two brilliant minds discovered the Recombinant technique and later published their findings in 1973 (DNATube, 2007).

The next significant advancement observed in the technology of Recombinant DNA was in 1976 when Genentech was founded. Genentech was the first company to work with Recombinant DNA technology for the purpose of developing drugs in labs. With the replication of Somatostatin (a protein that is influential in regulating human growth hormones) in 1978 the technology has gradually helped in the development of numerous drugs in laboratories such as Herceptin and Epogen which are employed for various purposes. (FierceBiotech, 2009). The Present

Recombinant DNA technology is currently used for the purpose of genetic transformations to produce genetically modified organisms (StateUniversity. com). Recombinant technology enables scientists to not only copy the genetic structure of organisms but they can alter them to any manner of genetic structure which they would be requiring. A case of recent application existing can be seen as recombinant DNA technology is being used for the purpose of transfusion medicines. Even though the effect is not felt on a large scale, the potential is there.

Recombinant DNA technology is employed in the preparation of blood products, the purpose of determination of the blood’s group phenotype and the detection of blood group specific antibodies for cases (Avent, 2000). Similarly Recombinant DNA Technology can be witnessed in the attempts to create clones as well as genetic advancements where test tube living organisms are concerned. Most of the advancements in DNA related studies have been due to the improvements in recombinant DNA technology as the sole purpose of studying genetics is to be able to come up with a better understanding of simulating god’s creations.

The Future The future of Recombinant DNA technology is limitless since it has the potential of curing genetic diseases which people are inflicted with due to their bloodlines and all such tendencies of carrying diseases through generations due to the genetic make-up of individuals will be eliminated. The use of side effects carrying pharmaceutical antibiotics would decrease and the specific diseases would be targeted within the human body instead of leading to numerous side effects.

Recombinant DNA technology can be employed in the livestock and agriculture sector of society as the genetic codes of plants and animals can be enhanced to new found levels (FierceBiotech, 2009). Even though the ethical dilemmas related to genetic technologies and studies remain, the fact that the potential uses and utopian world that may come around still remains with genetic technologies improving medicines and all genetic things to bring about a change for the better.

Even though apparently not relating to me personally, on deeper reflection you can see how recombinant technology will affect not just me or you, but the whole society in general if their advancements in livestock and agriculture succeeds in creating bountiful crops and increasing the per hectare yield. Similarly the technology could come up with cures for not only cancer and such but would enable future generations to be carefree about the fact that their children would inherit their diseases and tendencies. This technology can revolutionize the world we live in.


Avent, N. D. (2000).Recombinant technology in transfusion medicine. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology , 117-35. DNATube. (2007, April 06). DNATube. Retrieved July 12, 2009, from Construction of Recombinant DNA: http://www. dnatube. com/video/193/Contruction-of-Recombinant-Dna FierceBiotech. (2009). FierceBiotech. com. Retrieved July 12, 2009, from Recombinant DNA Technology: http://www. fiercebiotech. com/topics/rDNA. asp StateUniversity. com. (n. d. ). recombinant DNA – Uses, Plasmids and recombinant DNA technology. Retrieved July 12, 2009, from StateUniversity. com: http://encyclopedia. stateuniversity. com/pages/18333/recombinant-DNA. html

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