Part c: articles on healers and characteristics (intentionality and intuition)

The process of understanding the states of “dis-ease” and necessary healing involved is stretching our current society to reach for new levels of self-discovery and self-healing. This stretching of the mind, body, and spirit connection is creating new emphasis on a total life balancing approach. For healing and wellness to continue in equilibrium, it requires an integrated and balanced approach for the mind, body, and spirit processes. When dissatisfied with the typical allopathic encounter, the use of intuition can help.

Society is forcing a new direction for all healing, whereby healers are allowed a more intimate patient-client relationship. “This acknowledged close bond allows for an unprecedented experience with the inner, intuitive worlds of healing”(Ivers ). Illness, “dies-ease” and imbalances within the body are perplexing and sometimes difficult to place into diagnostic categories. Doctors, nurses, healers and parents, as it is called, acknowledge the “hunch”. It may be a vague, uneasy feeling; a suspicion; a sudden flash of an idea; gut instinct, vibe, and premonition: all clues leading the healer down a certain path until a diagnosis is determined.

The frequency of these “hunches” or impressions is seldom formally documented, yet is given credence by most healers, medical professionals and society. Intuitive hunches/impressions are not limited to healers; these flashes of “insight/inspiration” are described by scientists, artists, musicians, and parents, especially mothers. Mystics, sages, shamans, healers, and medical intuitive in every religion and culture use visions, images, and messages to gain insight and guidance into the unbalanced body of the client or patient.

Socrates reported an inner voice guided him: “[T]he prophetic voice to which I have become accustomed has always been my constant companion, opposing me even in quite trivial things if I was going to take the wrong course” (Inglis). Caroline Myss has her own method as described in her article entitled In Anatomy of the Spirit. Barbara Brennan’s book Hands of Light depicts her own abilities called the Brennan Method. She overcomes doubts and skepticism, both internally and externally, as she explores human auras called Human Energy Field (HEF).

Karen Grace Kassy writes in her book entitled Health Intuition about her journey on becoming an intuitive diagnostician whereas she did try the above methods but subsequently developed her own method. Edgar Cayce is one of the best-known American intuitive diagnostician who had his own system of diagnosis. Medical intuitives rely on a kind of clairvoyance to diagnose imbalances within the body systems by reading a person’s energy field, ch’i or prana, and locating disturbances.

These gifted persons may also employ other psychic abilities and techniques of assessments, such as telepathy, clairsentience, precognition, clairvoyant visions, and clairaudience. These intuitive gifts, once trained, allow the healers the ability to make intuitive assessments of physical and psychological problems of past, present and future health of the patient/client. Many healers claim these intuitive impressions are a regular facet of their work. These extra assessment tools contribute greatly to patient/client care and wellness.

States of health and illness are evidenced in shifts within the energy patterns of the body months before they manifest within physical body (Brennan). Intuitive insights/impressions are comprised differently depending on how the healers receive these insightful messages. They may be unusual stirrings in understanding due to sensory observations and analysis, which are suddenly perceived in a new manner and order. They may include data, visions, and insights, which are not acquired through ordinary sensory or cognitive processes.

These may be telepathy, clairsentient, visions, and precognitive information, plus bursts of creativity, which appear to transcend ordinary thoughts and logical reasoning. Healers use intuitive impressions obtained by scanning the energy body surrounding and interpenetrates the physical body, as templates for what is manifests in the physical body. Healers report intuitive awareness and understanding of the patients’ physical, emotional, mental and spiritual problems. Many healers claim the ability to enhance health and well being through light touch and the intent to heal.

These may come to them as sensations in their hands during laying-on of hands treatments (heat, cold, stickiness, prickliness and the like); (Krieger) as words appearing in their minds (including in rare cases technical diagnoses which they themselves do not comprehend but which doctors later confirm to be accurate); (Steam; Sugrue) as body sensations (especially pains) which mirror patients’ symptoms; (Sugrue) as smells; (Freed) as visual images of organ dysfunctions (Brennan) or simply as an “inner knowing.

” Most healers report that they receive impressions in several of these ways, often simultaneously (Benor 1992; Benor in press). The steps of intuitive healing process appear to be comprised of different components depending on the healer. The 4 levels of being as referred to by Kassy are: Physical, Mental, Emotional And Spiritual (___) . Yet, Caroline Myss goes further in her exploration of intuition by devising her 5 steps process as: Notice Your Beliefs; Be In Your Body; Sense Your Body’s Subtle Energy; Ask For Inner Guidance And Listen To Your Dreams (___) .

The process of how a healer receives the information is individualized and should not be distracted from the main goal which is information and assessment of the patient’s or client’s health and well-being. Intuitive diagnosis has received less attention than healing. This modality has much to offer allopathic medicine. It is a non-invasive, safe, inexpensive diagnostic method, which deserves greater in-depth investigation.

Study of intuitive perceptions also provides a window by clarifying aspects of energy medicine, as most alternative or complementary therapies include such elements of intuitive diagnosis. Intuitive perceptions can help to discover new etiologies of diseases that are not yet understood within conventional or allopathic medicine. It may also assist society in acceptance by understanding how healers target symptoms or diseases during healing treatments. There are emerging methods of discernment within medical intuitive circles.

Edgar Cayce under hypnosis was able to provide accurate diagnoses, given only the name and address of subjects who could be many miles away. Cayce provided health assessments based upon information he derived from the Ashokian records. Systematic assessment of his diagnostic accuracy was only made posthumously with 43% of a randomly selected 150 cases demonstrating documented confirmation of accurate diagnosis and/or treatment recommendations (Cayce ).

Numerous testimonials from patients and doctors are preserved in the files of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A. R. E. ) in Virginia Beach, VA. The Institute continues to research Cayce’s diagnosis and successful remedies for various types of problems (McGarey ). The manual for implementation of the Cayce Comprehensive Symptom Inventory (CCSI) in a clinical setting is based, mostly, on the psychic readings of Cayce. This manual (CCSI) was developed by David McMillin.

The expansive information of transmitted through Edgar Cayce addresses the full range of the human condition – physical, mental, and spiritual. Regarding health, illness and dis-ease, Cayce’s intuitive process shed light on the full spectrum of illness from maintaining current health and wellness to various stages of “dis-ease,” from the minor to acute medical conditions. Thus, Edgar Cayce’s “person-centered” approach focused on the uniqueness of each individual rather than a diagnostic category (McMillin).

The primary purpose of the CCSI is to provide a psychometric tool that provides assessments of individuals, which is comparable to the assessments provided by Cayce. Not necessarily that the intuitive process of Cayce is being followed. Rather, the output of information that is produced is somewhat similar. Critical to the healing equation is an attitude of desiring and expecting to be healed. A positive mental and emotional attitude can be created and maintained by focusing on an ideal for being well and living healthy (McMillin).

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