Pancreatic Cancer

Cancer is one of human kinds’ biggest medical mysteries. Experts and professionals world-wide have developed several cancer causing and cancer curing theories, of which are motivating investigations and research experiments in hopes of finding a cure or a prevention of the illness. Some of these theories play a significant influence on human behavior and lifestyle choices, as well as, narrowing down environmental causes of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic Cancer COM/172 2 The pancreas is an organ every human body needs in order to survive.

The pancreas is a large gland in the digestive and endocrine system that secretes important hormones including insulin and pancreatic juices contain digestive enzymes, which pass into the small intestine. These enzymes assist in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Pancreatic carcinoma is cancer of the pancreas. This cancer attacks the pancreas in many ways. Most common is the growth of a tumor or cancer cells in the pancreas and can spread the disease to other organs through the process of secretion. This process spreads without symptoms or pain at first; therefore, going unnoticed until the disease is advanced beyond reclamation.

Pancreaticcancercanaffectthebodyin manyways. Itcan cause chemical imbalances, because the pancreas is not functioning properly and is producing too much or even too little insulin to break down the body’s sugar intake. A tumor can grow on the gland causing painful symptoms of pressure and lack of appetite. A common symptom seen in pancreatic cancer is the blockage of the bile duct, which prevents the breakdown of fats in the food that have entered the body also causing jaundice, loss of appetite, weight loss, and abdominal pain. Metastasis (the spread of cancer) can cause intestinal blockage.

If the cancer spreads to other organs, those organs may fail to function properly and organ may fail. If the cancer spreads to the liver, it is only a matter of weeks before death. (http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid= 2007). When a person develops cancer, it means they have multiple nutritional deficiencies, which could be caused by any harmful toxins present in the person’s environment (http://pathology. jhu . edu/ pc/news2008. php).

Current federally sponsored cancer prevention research focuses mainly on the genetic and molecular level for indicators and predictors of cancer, as well as, possible interventions or preventative agents to intervene in the cancer process Pancreatic Cancer COM/172 3 before it becomes invasive. While this research is important to humans, it ignores the macro environmental, environmental, social and cultural contexts within which more profound, yet diverse choices are present.

Choices such as foods, opportunities for physical activity, tobacco use and second hand smoke exposure. There have been decades of research on environmental toxins and a possible link to cancer. After extensive scientific research, there are still no definite answers or culprits, only strong speculations that certain environmental toxins may be cancer related in people with weak nutritional systems. While scientists still do not know what causes pancreatic cancer directly, they have recently found some risk factors that may make a person more likely to develop pancreatic cancer.

Mainly, the cancer causing chemicals in our environment mutate the cells in our DNA, which results in abnormal cell growth and can cause tumors to form. The specific environments in which a person lives could be contributing to their cancer. While environments can be changed, genetic predisposition cannot.

Although the obscurity of the causes of pancreatic cancer remains, researchers have identified some risk factors that are associated with pancreatic cancer. Cigarette smoking, age, diet, obesity, occupational exposure, pancreatitis, and diabetes have all been associated with pancreatic cancer. Phthalates, a chemical found in plastic wrap, plastic bottles, and other plastic food containers, can cause endocrine system damage (http://www. resultsrna. com/products/acz_nano _most_ harmful_toxins. php).

With the pancreas being a part of the endocrine system, phthalates is a very likely culprit for causing pancreatic cancer. As children, most of us are exposed to thousands of environmental toxins, which later in life become the structure for a strong nutritional and immune system. However; for some of us, Pancreatic Cancer COM/172 4 a genetic weakness can be attacked and become cancerous or lay dormant in our DNA for years.

Therefore; as parents, we are cautioned by pediatricians to avoid certain exposures to our children. Things such as mercury, contaminated fish, lead paint, and smoking in our homes or cars. Radiation exposure has been linked to the risk of intrauterine cancer. Chemicals and pesticides are all a part of our childhood environmental exposure. Ultimately, certain life influences may affect an adult prior to the diagnosis of cancer.

The family home is the one environment thought to be the safest place in the world. But, depending on the circumstances, it could also be one of the most dangerously contaminated environments for a cancer causing agent to hide. Toxins can invade our homes without our knowledge. Other problems, such as mold and asbestos can be in our homes, hidden from the naked eye. Both adults and children come in contact with these chemicals that could be linked to various types of cancer.

The principal causes of numerous cancers are subject to change through behavioral and environmental policy interventions in the outdoor and indoor environment. Policies and influential behaviors could offer the best chance of substantially reducing the cancer burden. “In the more immediate term, the principal causes of lung and numerous other cancers are amenable to change through behavioral and policy environmental interventions, which offer the best chance of substantially reducing the cancer burden. ” – Promoting Healthy Lifestyles 2006-2007 Annual Report of the President’s Cancer Panel (http://deainfo. nci. nih. gov/advisory/ pcp/annualReports/pcp0 rpt/ ExecSum. pdf).

Health and lifestyle choices can contribute a very critical part in the cancer world. When a person develops cancer, they have multiple nutritional deficiencies. These deficiencies could Pancreatic Cancer COM/172 5 be due to genetic, environmental, food, and lifestyle choices (http://pathology. jhu. edu/ pc/news2008. php). Developing cancer could be caused by any harmful toxins present in the body or genetic makeup. Avoiding certain foods labeled as cancer feeders is highly recommended to people with or without cancer.

Choosing healthy lifestyles can be difficult depending on mental awareness and regard for one’s own life. Proper education and self-respect can go a long way in reducing contact with common risk factors linked to cancer. For example, a cancer update from the John Hopkins Hospital suggests that people should take the following precautions to avoid cancer: Do not put plastic containers or plastic wrap in the microwave or the freezer. Plastic contains dioxins which are highly poisonous to the cells in the human body and microwaving or freezing the plastic releases the dioxins into the food or liquid we then drink. (needs cite for where you found this).

There are some theories about different types of foods or measures that can prevent or cure pancreatic cancer. Some organics, such as dandelion root, cinnamon, green fruits and vegetables (which contain high levels of important vitamins) are said to all be helpful in the preventative and fight of cancer. Also maintaining a high intake of water to dilute the infected cells, oxygen increase, exercise, and keeping a positive attitude while in treatment.

There are few methods of treatment for pancreatic cancer. Chemotherapy, adjuvant therapy, and neo-adjuvant therapy. (? ) More common are professional medical treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy. These procedures can likely destroy or compromise the immune system, leaving the patient with a higher susceptibility rate to succumb from infection or other non-related complications. The most effective way to fight cancer is to deny it what it needs in order to grow or multiply. (which is? ) Pancreatic Cancer COM/172 6 Being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer can be devastating.

A person may experience a mixed array of strong emotions including anger, fear, sadness and even guilt or depression. They may ask themselves unanswerable questions such as “why me? ” or “what did I do or not do to cause this? ” The ability to talk to friends or family members about the new diagnoses can be extremely difficult. Inability to focus on information being given by doctors is usually common, because the mind may have trouble comprehending or accepting the diagnosis.

Spouses and close family members or friends should seek advice from licensed professionals on how to treat such an emotionally fragile situation. Depending on the stage the cancer has advanced, final arrangements may need to be discussed and planned for the cancer patient.

This can be an extremely difficult time for everyone involved and professional help can be helpful for all individuals involved. Lessthan5%ofpatientswithpancreaticcancerwillsurvivetheillnessfiveyearsafter diagnosis. That percentage increases with certain environmental and lifestyle choices that affect the mortality rate. Most cancer specialists will state during the treatment process, it is imperative to maintain a positive outlook on treatment and recovery.

Staying positive and happy, and avoiding stress can lead to a positive outcome. Exercise daily and practice breathing techniques to pump oxygen through the body are also said to be extremely helpful during treatment (http://pathology. jhu. edu/ pc/news2008. php). In conclusion, pancreatic cancer usually leads to death. There is no cure and it is typically diagnosed too late, due to its location in the body; therefore, death is almost a certainty.

Pancreatic cancer is becoming more and more common, with an estimated 44,030 men and women diagnosed annually. 37,660 men and women will die from cancer of the pancreas in 2011. There are only a few medical treatments for this illness and many theoretical preventatives Pancreatic Cancer COM/172 7 and “wanna be” cures. Most of the patients, who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, already suffer from other medical illnesses such as diabetes, or carry a cancer gene in their DNA, which is inherited by their parents. Once pancreatic cancer is discovered, there is usually less than a five year survival rate and final plans should be carried out for the ill.


1. http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20070316111101AA2GOES 2. http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/pancreatic-cancer/DS00357 3. http://www. ehib. org/projects/OrovillePancreaticCancerQAflyerMarch2009meeting. pdf 4. http://pathology. jhu. edu/pc/news2008. php 5. http://www. resultsrna. com/products/acz_nano_most_harmful_toxins. php 6. http://www. cancer. org/Research/ResearchProgramsFunding/BehavioralResearchCenter/T heImportanceofBehaviorinCancerPreventionandEarlyDetection/the-importance-of-behavi or-in-cancer-prevention-and-early-detection.

7. http://www. ActivityforCancerPrevention/acs-guidelines-on-nutrition-and-physical-activity-for-cancer -prevention-common-questions 8.

Thu, 08 Oct 2009 http://www. nfcr. org/index. php/pancreatic-cancer 9. www. cancer. org . 10. http://www. cancer. org/Healthy/EatHealthyGetActive/ACSGuidelinesonNutritionPhysical ActivityforCancerPrevention/acs-guidelines-on-nutrition-and-physical-activity-for-cancer -prevention-diet-cancer-questions 11. http://emedicine. medscape. com/article/280605-treatment#aw2aab6b6b3 12. http://seer. cancer. gov/statfacts/html/pancreas. html.

Cancer of the pancreas is the fifth most common cause of death in both men and women. Pancreatic cancer affects approximately 33,730 Americans each year. The pancreas is a gland found behind the stomach that is shaped a little like …

Cancer of the pancreas is the fifth most common cause of death in both men and women. Pancreatic cancer affects approximately 33,730 Americans each year. The pancreas is a gland found behind the stomach that is shaped a little like …

The Pancreatic Cancer is a malignant tumour lying within the pancretic gland. Stated simply, the development of the cancer is attributed to cancerous cells forming in the tissues of the pancreas. It is uncommon for patients of pancreatic cancer to …

The stages of pancreatic cancer are used to describe how advanced the cancer is in your body. The higher the stage number, the more widespread the cancer is. These stages are important when choosing the best treatments for you. Your …

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