Palliative Care

What type of Assessments will our patient require for Palliative/End of Life Care? •Our patient’s medical history would be taken including any past surgeries, acute or chronic conditions, current medications, any allergies, social/spiritual aspects, and family/carer information. •Palliative Care Problem Severity Score, (PCPSS) : This includes a clinician rated score of palliative care problems, measured in 4 areas including, Pain, Other Symptoms, Psychological/Spiritual, and Family/Carer.

•Symptom Assessment Scale, (SAS) : This is a patient rated tool which assess’ 7 of the most common symptoms including, Appetite Problems, Sleeping Difficulties, Breathing Problems, Nausea, Bowel Problems, Pain, and Fatigue. •Spirometry testing would have been carried out in the initial stages of the COPD to help confirm the diagnosis and possibly X-Rays. •To help diagnose Diabetes our patient would have required an initial blood test. Ongoing assessment and management will require blood glucose test monitoring.

•Pain assessment tools and scales will be used to assess our patients’ level of pain and effectiveness of the pain management. When our patient can communicate, then a simple numerical pain scale cann be used to assess pain. When or if our patient cannot verbally communicate with us then the Abbey Pain Scale can be used to assess pain. REFERENCES : http://www. pcoc. org. au/ : Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration : University of Wollongong. http://www. diabetesvic. org. au/ http://www. health. gov. au/internet/main/publishing. nsf/Content/ageing-acfi-suggested-assess-t ools-q1-4. htm Jody Kielblock BF56 s3435843.

Palliative care is a specialized segment of health care which involves minimizing and preventing the patients’ pain and suffering. Patients suffering from chronic illness, end of life or curable illness may be placed in palliative care. The goal of palliative …

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Introduction According to the American Cancer Society, half of all men and one third of all women will develop cancer within their lifetime (Cancer. org). These figures are staggering. Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and …

Community Health Practice (0310) October 20, 2013 A. Explain how your own perceptions about quality of life and health problems might affect your care for a dying patient with a lingering illness such as cancer. It is the nurse’s responsibility …

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