Overhead projector

?Introduction Communication is the most important tool of social existence and survival. An individual who is able to put his point across efficiently, often lands up being successful in his endeavors. Communication is a complex process and needs to be planned in such a manner that the information being given is not only heard attentively at the other end, but is also remembered. In other words communication should make a long lasting impact on the people in question, one of the most important tools of effective communication is the use of various visual aids, in order to enable a more in depth understanding of the subject.

Visual communication is communication through visual aid and is described as the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that can be read or looked upon. Visual communication in part or whole relies on vision, and is primarily presented or expressed with two dimensional images, it includes: signs, typography, graphic design, illustration, Industrial Design, Advertising, Animation color and electronic resources. It also explores the idea that a visual message accompanying text has a greater power to inform, educate, or persuade a person or audience.

Visual sense is so active in humans that it not only enables us to cognize information at a much faster rate, but it also helps us memorize the same for a longer period of time. The term ‘visual presentation’ is used to refer to the actual presentation of information through a visible medium such as texts or images. Web design is an example for visual communication- Visual communication on the World Wide Web is perhaps the most important form of communication that takes place while users are surfing the Internet.

When experiencing the web, one uses the eyes as the primary sense, and therefore the visual presentation of a website is very important for users to understand the message or of the communication taking place. ?Types of visual aid •Objects The use of objects as visual aids involves bringing the actual object to demonstrate on during the speech. For example, a speech about tying knots would be more effective by bringing in a rope. The use of the actual object is often necessary when demonstrating how to do something so that the audience can fully understand procedure. •Models.

Models are representations of another object that serve to demonstrate that object when use of the real object is ineffective for some reason. Examples include human skeletal systems, the solar system, or architecture. Models can serve as substitutes that provide a better example of the real thing to the audience when the object being spoken about is of an awkward size or composure for use in the demonstration. •Graphs Graphs are used to visualize relationships between different quantities. Various types are used as visual aids, including bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs, and scatter plots.

Graphs help the audience to visualize statistics so that they make a greater impact than just listing them verbally would. •Maps Maps show geographic areas that are of interest to the speech. They often are used as aids when speaking of differences between geographical areas or showing the location of something. When maps are simple and clear, they can be used to effectively make points about certain areas. For example, a map showing the building site for a new hospital could show its close location to key neighborhoods, or a map could show the differences in distribution of aids victims in North American and African countries.

•Tables Tables are columns and rows that organize words, symbols, and/or data: Good tables are easy to understand. They are a good way to compare facts and to gain a better overall understanding of the topic being discussed. •Photographs Photographs are good tools to make or emphasize a point or to explain a topic. For example, when explaining the shanty-towns in a third word country it would be beneficial to show a picture of one so the reader can have a better understanding of how those people live.

A photograph is also good to use when the actual object cannot be viewed. For example, in a health class learning about cocaine, the teacher cannot bring in cocaine to show the class because that would be illegal, but the teacher could show a picture of cocaine to the class. Using local photos can also help emphasize how your topic is important in the audience’s area. •Drawings or diagrams Drawings or diagrams can be used when photographs do not show exactly what the speaker wants to show or explain. It could also be used when a photograph is too detailed.

For example, a drawing or diagram of the circulatory system throughout the body is a lot more effective than a picture of a cadaver showing the circulatory system. ?Simple Visual aids •Chalkboard or whiteboard Chalkboards and whiteboards are very useful visual aids, particularly when more advanced types of media are unavailable. They are cheap and also allow for much flexibility. The use of chalkboards or whiteboards is convenient, but they are not a perfect visual aid. •Poster board A poster is a very simple and easy visual aid. Posters can display charts, graphs, pictures, or illustrations.

The biggest drawback of using a poster as a visual aid is that often a poster can appear unprofessional. Since a poster board paper is relatively flimsy, often the paper will bend or fall over. The best way to present a poster is to hang it up or tape it to a wall. •Handouts Handouts can also be display charts, graphs, pictures, or illustrations. An important aspect of the use of a handout is that a person can keep a handout with them long after the presentation is over. This can help the person better remember what was discussed. Passing out handouts, however, can be extremely distracting.

Once a handout is given out, it might potentially be difficult to bring back your audience’s attention. The person who receives the handout might be tempted to read what is on the paper, which will keep them from listening to what the speaker is saying. If using a handout, the speaker distributes the hand out right before you reference it. Distributing handouts is acceptable in a lecture that is an hour or two, but in a short lecture of five to ten minutes, a handout should not be used. •Video excerpts A video can be a great visual aid and attention grabber, however, a video is not a replacement for an actual speech.

There are several potential drawbacks to playing a video during a speech or lecture. •Projection equipment There are several types of projectors. These include slide projectors, PowerPoint presentations, overhead projectors, and computer projectors. Slide projectors are the oldest form of projector, and are no longer used. PowerPoint presentations are very popular and are used often. Overhead projectors are still used but are somewhat inconvenient to use. In order to use an overhead projector, a transparency must be made of whatever is being projected onto the screen. This takes time and costs money.

Computer projectors are the most technologically advanced projectors. When using a computer projector, pictures and slides are easily taken right from a computer either online or from a saved file and are blown up and shown on a large screen. •Computer-assisted presentations PowerPoint presentations can be an extremely useful visual aid, especially for longer presentations. For five to ten minute presentations, it is probably not worth the time or effort to put together a PowerPoint. For longer presentations, however, PowerPoint can be a great way to keep the audience engaged and keep the speaker on track.

A potential drawback of using a PowerPoint is that it usually takes a lot of time and energy to put together. There is also the possibility of a computer malfunction, which can mess up the flow of a presentation. ?

DISADVANTAGES OF VISUAL AIDS Visual aids can also be counter-productive as it can also lead to distractions among audience. ?

CONCLUSION Visual aid is an effective medium of communication but we have to make it simple, but large enough to apprehend. They help in effective and efficient implementation of presentation.

?Visual aids are learning tools that educators and presenters use to convey an idea more effectively. It is important that visual aids are tailored for a particular audience, depending on their needs. Also, teachers and presenters should use visual aids …

Visual aids help your presentation make things happen. Visual aids help you reach your objectives by providing emphasis to whatever is being said. Clear pictures multiply the audience’s level of understanding of the material presented, and they should be used …

The PowerPoint presentation explains the complication of obesity and why there in an increasing number of individuals who are obese. Consequently, obesity has become one of the most terrifying disorders on the planet to date. Its complications cost several lives …

To start with, the group, which included and myself, were to discuss a contemporary health issue, which we would then be using this as a presentation. We decided that we would do our presentation on Body Dysmorphic Disorder. We each …

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