“OTC” over the counter, the ideal choice

Abstract: This paper will focus on comparing the positives and negatives of taking 3 OTC painkillers, Motrin, Tylenol, and Bayer, and will determine which of these is the safest, most beneficial, OTC painkiller. Sources include FDA Reports, a research study, manufacturer’s information and other medical documentation. Nikkos Jackson GE117 Composition 1 It’s 3:15a. m. , and you just woke up with a pounding headache. You are running a slight fever, and all you want to do is go to bed.

You go into your bathroom cabinet to retrieve some medicine, and in front of you sit Motrin, Tylenol, and Bayer. Which do you choose? What will eliminate all of your symptoms? What is the safest OTC pain reliever that you can take? These are just a few of the questions you may have when deciding which OTC pain reliever is the right choice for you. Although, Motrin, Tylenol, and Bayer serve similar purposes, there are many differences in each drug that makes them affect your body differently, including active ingredients, dosages, and side effects.

Motrin is a general use pain reliever and fever reducer. This drug is intended to relieve fever, minor aches and pains throughout the body, as well as headache pain. The active ingredient in Motrin is Ibuprofen. This pain reliever is taken orally, and comes in several different forms. The original form is a tablet, but there have been other forms introduced such as the capsule, and gel capsule. It is recommended that this drug not be taken on any empty stomach to avoid the common side effects, which are gastrointestinal.

Stomach aches, nausea and vomiting, and cramps are among the most common of these. The price of this drug is low to moderate, and can be found in generic forms. It is a very accessible pain reliever, and is available in 400, 600, and 800mg tablets (Study, 1984, 213). A stronger dose can be obtained from a pharmacy with a prescription. It has been recommended that this OTC pain reliever not be used at all during pregnancy or nursing, as Ibuprofen may be harmful to the fetus or nursing baby. Motrin has only had one major recall in the last few years, dated in December 2011.

This recall was not due to safety or health concerns, but rather, it was discovered that the coated tablets were found to dissolve slower as the expiration date came near, and were found to be less effective in disbursing the medication. Motrin is a popular OTC pain reliever because it comes in several dosage sizes, has very moderate, short-term use, common side effects, and is fairly low priced. However, Motrin has a very high risk (3%) of causing permanent gastrointestinal damage to frequent, long-term users (Study, 1984, 210-214).

While Motrin is a popular OTC pain reliever that has been approved by the FDA it does have several downfalls. Over time, your symptoms from the medication may appear more often or intensify, your body may become used to the dosage causing the medication to take longer to work or not work as well, and excessive or long term use of Motrin can lead to liver damage, kidney damage, and stomach ulcers. Overall, when taken in moderation at the correct dosage, Motrin is a generally safe OTC pain reliever. Tylenol is another general OTC pain reliever and fever reducing medicine.

The active ingredient in Tylenol is Acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is an active ingredient in hundreds of over-the-counter and prescription medicines. It can also be combined with other active ingredients in medicines that treat allergy, cough, colds, flu, and sleeplessness. In prescription medicines, acetaminophen is found with other active ingredients to treat moderate to severe pain. A common active ingredient that acetaminophen is combine with is codeine. This product, labeled under Tylenol is slightly higher in price than other OTC pain relievers, but the generic form of acetaminophen is available.

You can find Tylenol and its generic form at any drug store, grocer, or convenience store. Acetaminophen has several common side effects such as abdominal distress, nausea and vomiting, indigestion, constipation, dizziness, heartburn, diarrhea. The most common major side effect it can cause is serious liver damage, but this in less than 1% of all users. Liver damage was found in consumers who used acetaminophen in excess of the recommended dosage (Acetaminophen, 2005, 1364–1372). A single tablet of regular Tylenol contains 325mg of acetaminophen.

Consumers are instructed to take 2 tablets in a dose. They are also instructed not to exceed 10 tablets in one day, nor consume over 4,000mg of acetaminophen within a 24 hour period. The FDA has suggested that expectant mothers do not consume this OTC pain reliever during the last 3 months of pregnancy and that nursing mothers do not consume this product during nursing (US Dept, 2006). If product must be used, it is suggested that the dose be half the recommended dose. In general, Tylenol is a safe and effective OTC pain reliever.

There have been a few voluntary recalls over the last few years, due to packaging error expiration dates, and other manufacturing defects. Tylenol does have the most common symptoms and the most major symptoms that occurred in the marginal 3%. However, like Motrin, when used in moderation and in accurate dosage, Tylenol has been proven to be an effective and overall safe OTC pain reliever (Medline, 2012). Another OTC pain reliever and fever reducer is Bayer Aspirin. Aspirin is the most commonly used OTC pain reliever in households, according several studies and polls.

Bayer Aspirin has been a highly used for over 100 years. “Aspirin is one of the most extensively researched drugs in history. It has been said to be the oldest OTC pain reliever approved by the FDA. ” (US Dept, 2012, 2-3) The active ingredient in Bayer is acetylsalicylic acid. Bayer Aspirin is effective for pain, inflammation, fever, alleviating headaches, body pains, backaches and other symptoms that interfere with everyday life. Bayer Aspirin is often used as an OTC blood thinning medication for consumers who have high blood pressure.

Bayer Aspirin has been known to prevent and stop heart attacks from occurring when taken during onset. Bayer Aspirin is a moderately priced OTC pain reliever, which can be found at any grocer, drugstore, pharmacy, or convenience store. Bayer Aspirin has several different forms, such as gel capsules, rapid release tablets, and liquid form, but the most popular is the original tablet. Common side effects of using Bayer Aspirin include stomach ache, nausea, abdominal distress, indigestion, heart burn and diarrhea (US Dept, 2012).

There are many different OTC pain relievers available to consumers today. From higher priced name brands to low price generic alternatives. Three of the most commonly used are Tylenol, Motrin, and Bayer Aspirin. All intended for the general purpose of relieving pain, fever, and associated distresses. Based on the extensive research that has been done, the small, low risk list of common side effects, and positive attributes of this OTC drug, Bayer Aspirin is the best choice overall for these three OTC pain relievers.

Bibliography U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. accessdata. fda. gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2006/017463s104lbl. pdff, 2006. USDH published facts about Tylenol, including common and major side effects of the drug, benefits, risks, and dosage information. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. fda. gov/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/BuyingUsingMedicineS afely/UnderstandingOverthecounterMedicines/SafeDailyUseofAspirin/ucm291433. html, 2012.

USDH published facts about Aspirin, including common and major side effects, the benefits of taking the drug, including heart health, and dosage information. Medline plus. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/druginfo/meds/a681004. html, 2012. This article provides information about Tylenol regarding why the medication is prescribed, how should this medicine be used, and what special precautions consumers should take. Study comparing the effectiveness of ibuprofen (Motrin), Empirin with Codeine #3, and Synalgos-DC for the relief of post endodontic pain, Journal of Endodontic.

Volume 10, Issue 5 , Pages 210-214, May 1984. A study conducted to determine whether Ibuprofen is safe when interacting with other drugs, common side effects, and risks. Acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure: Results of a United States multicenter, prospective study, Hepatology, Volume 42, Issue 6, pages 1364–1372, December 2005. A study done on acetaminophen that discovered the pain reliever’s strong connection to liver failure. This study provides proper dosage information, and other preexisting conditions that may lead to liver failure when using this OTC drug.

Analgesics, or painkillers, come in many varieties. Most consumers know the various brand names, but may not know that they are in different pharmacological classifications. For instance, Tylenol and Motrin are two drugs that behave differently on the human body …

Bristol-Myers have been very successful in analgesic market for many years with Aspirin type pain relievers marketed as Bufferin and Excedrin. Together with Bayer Aspirin by Sterling Drug Company, three aforementioned aspirin type pain relievers comprised of 90% of Analgesic …

Recommendations: Datril is suggested to position Datril as the alternative to aspirin. Such a positioning will be able to attract current aspirin customers to Datril. The marketing campaign should focus on physicians, trade and patients. It should stress the information …

Decision Marvin Koslow, vice president for marketing services at Bristol-Myers is going to choose a positioning strategy for Datril, an acetaminophen based analgesic, in order to solidify Bristol-Myers’ position in the analgesics market and gain share in the rapidly growing …

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