Organic molecules rubric

In order to understand the complexity and shape of an organic molecule you and your partner will be constructing a 3-D version of a selected organic compound. The project will have four parts: A blueprint of the molecule you will construct The molecule A legend explaining the structure of the molecule A paragraph explaining the importance of the molecule This project will count as one lab grade. A sample grade sheet is on the back. Some possible molecules: Caffeine Theobromine Acetylsalicylic Acid (aspirin) Acetaminophen Ibuprofen Naproxen (Aleve) DEET Octyl acetate Isopentyl acetate Ethyl butyrate Methyl butyrate.

Methyl salicylate Isobutyl formate Citral Cinnamon aldehyde Vanillin Testosterone Estradiol Cholesterol Dopamine Serotonin Norepinephrine Pseudophedrine Methamphetamine AZT Nonoxynol-9 Nicotine Valium LSD Mescaline Psilocybin Novocaine Ecstasy (MDMA) THC Buckyballs Helpful Internet Resources: http://www. chemicalforums. com/index. php? page=molecules http://www. chemfinder. com http://www. nida. nih. gov/NIDAHome. html http://www. chem. ox. ac. uk/mom/ Grading Sheet Names.

I. Blueprint All atoms and bonds are accurately represented4 pts_____

Bond angles are accurately represented3 pts_____ Drawing has title & is neat and clear3 pts_____ Total: 10 pts_____ II. Molecular Model Atoms are correct 10 pts_____ Bonds and angles are correct 10 pts_____ Molecule is neat and sturdy5 pts_____ Molecule is colorful / creative5 pts_____ Total: 30 pts_____ III. Legend / Labeling Identity of all atoms is clearly indicated4 pts_____ Functional groups labeled (if present) 3 pts_____ Legend is typed & labeling is neat3 pts_____ Total: 10 pts_____ IV. Information Paragraph of information about your molecule 6 pts_____ Info is typed and free of spelling & grammar errors2 pts_____.

Properly formatted references are included2 pts_____ Total: 10 pts_____ Total Possible 60 pts_____ (Total/2) Actual Total 30 pts_____  Paragraph may include information on discovery, history, importance, how the molecule is made (natural or synthetic), how the molecule functions, etc. Organic Molecule Rubric Names .___________________________________________________________________ I. Physical & Chemical Properties Physical properties are accurately represented4 pts_____ Chemical properties are accurately represented3 pts_____ Slide has title & is neat and clear3 pts_____ Total: 10 pts_____ II. Molecular Model.

Atoms are correct 10 pts_____ Bonds and angles are correct 10 pts_____ Molecule is neat and sturdy5 pts_____ Molecule is colorful / creative5 pts_____ Total: 30 pts_____ III. Legend / Labeling Identity of all atoms is clearly indicated4 pts_____ Functional groups labeled (if present) 3 pts_____ Legend is typed & labeling is neat3 pts_____ Total: 10 pts_____ IV. Information Paragraph of information about your molecule6 pts_____ Info is typed and free of spelling & grammar errors2 pts_____ Properly formatted references are included2 pts_____ Total: 10 pts_____ Total Possible 60 pts_____ (Total/2) Actual Total 30 pts_____.

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