Oral Hygiene and Healthy Teeth


All of us might not be aware of this but teeth plays a very important part in our bodies and are also essential for our survival and quality of life. They are what makes us able to speak, chew our food as well as giving us self-confidence needed in our daily lives. Teeth are meant to last us for the rest of our lives once we get our permanent set of teeth. Thus, taking care of our teeth is crucial. If we do not take good care of them from the start, it will lead to tooth decay, pain, tooth lost, infection, malnutrition due to inability to chew food and to intake food vitamin, difficulty in speech and even low self-esteem.

Taking care of our teeth on a daily basis is not only important but is simple provided the correct measure is taken in caring for our teeth in our daily lives. With that, we do not have to waste money going for a dental visit.


Choosing the correct toothbrush is essential to get rid of most plaque and food debris from our teeth. Usually, a medium to soft, criss-cross or zig-zag bristled toothbrush should be used, enabling easy access to hard to reach areas of the teeth. What makes brushing teeth worthwhile is the technique of tooth brushing.

Hold the brush at a 45 degree angle from the tooth surface to allow both the tooth surface and the gum line to be cleaned.

Brush in a short, outward motion as in like a “sweeping away” action to clean the inner surface for the plaque and debris. Using a dry bristle brush for the first two minutes of cleaning will effectively remove all plaque but our teeth will not have the benefit of fluoride.

Besides brushing our teeth correctly, flossing can help to prevent any plaque build-up, especially in areas between the teeth that are hard to remove.
Although tooth brush is said to remove up to 90% of plaque, it is still difficult to reach small areas between the teeth. Thus, dental floss is used as it effectively reaches the embrasure spaces between the teeth to remove all left over plaque. When using the floss, it should be turned in a C-shape around each tooth and moved back and forth until all the plaque has been removed before pulling it out slowly. It should always be used with gentle pressure and prevent from damaging the gum between the teeth or it might cause bleeding and pain.

To add boost to the level of fluoride for the teeth, try using a mouth wash after brushing your teeth. It acts as an anti-septic and since it is fluid type, it can reach places that mechanical brushing and flossing cannot. Besides using it after brushing teeth, you can also use it after every meal to avoid bacteria attack as well as restore and maintain fresh breath.

It is unavoidable to us but a sugar-free diet is always the best when it comes to taking care of our teeth. As we know, foods containing high sugar level can cause rapid demineralization of teeth due to the mouth’s bacteria using it to break down tooth substance. Avoid eating sweet snacks between meals and chew sugar-free gum. Drink plenty of fresh fluids and water because they have a washing effect on the teeth. It also helps to stimulate saliva production, protecting the teeth by keeping them moist, washing them and providing them with minerals.

Visiting your dentist every six months or whenever you have a problem with your teeth is crucial to having healthy teeth. They will take a detailed medical and dental history and visually assess the status of your teeth and gums. The dentist or dental hygienist may also perform a simple tooth cleaning using ultrasonic instruments to effectively remove any adherent tartar or stains on the teeth. In addition, they can give feedback about how effective your plaque removal at home is and most importantly, help you to learn the best way to brush and floss. Don’t be shy or hesitate to ask your
dental hygienist to monitor your technique and work with you. That’s what they are there for!

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