Optimism and Health

During people’s lifetime, there are many situations that may cause people to become an optimist or a pessimist. I will explain some basic ideas from two different articles that show how optimism may possible impact physical and psychological well-being of a person. One of the articles talks about children and the other talks about the effects on adults. The truth is that children and adults will live better healthier lives if they are optimistic. The first article that I looked at compares the risks of not living a healthy life and why it is important to have good healthy well being as it matters to older adults.

There is a study on a health issues effects two different people of the same age such as a hip fracture. This study also looks at the overall well being for health, emotions, and life satisfactions as it pertains to ones perceive control of their own lives (Ruthig, Chipperfield, Perry, Newall and Swift, 2007. ) these studies suggested that older adults with a more optimistic outlook on life actually would live healthier lifestyle, physically mentally. The authors of this study concluded that if people worry too much about their possible negative health that it will indeed cause their health to suffer mentally and physically.

I think that I agree with the authors of the article in the aspect that a positive optimistic outlook on life does positively affect adult’s lives. We all have stresses that we experienced every day in our lives from careers, relationships, and everyday activities. Our world that we live in is very fast paced and we may consume ourselves to a point where we can’t regain positive control and then our health start to suffer. This happens in our personal lives as well.

People tend worry very much about their personal lives and to see if their relationships are working or not. I also believe that if you constantly showing your positive side it will eventually rub off onto other people. Well since we already know that being optimistic will help your mind, body, and soul, does it do the same for children? Many schools have implemented highly efficient physical education programs that are set up to help develop the kids by improving their knowledge, skills, and their capabilities to maintain their healthy lifestyles.

There are many different activities to help develop these physical improvements such as gymnastics, team sports, dance, and aquatics. Depending on the school and how much money they have will determine what type of programs they may offer. This type of physical education is perfect for kids that are athletically inclined and will ensure that their physical education is enjoyable but other students may have issues if they don’t have the physical ability.

Having issues with physical education could have dealt a young child such a blow that it will cause issues through life causing anxiety and negative reactions for physical activity throughout their lives. Kids will not understand the value of physical and mental education if the environment is not inviting for the kids to learn. The kids may develop anxiety issues and may not be very optimistic for future physical education classes. There has to be some accountability as to what are children’s strengths in physical and mental education.

Promoting optimism in all aspects of school among young children will help them grow up being able to face all obstacles in school. Being optimistic in school also could provide the student to always strive for the best situation in academics. Also being optimistic will help keep kids from becoming ill. Many believe that kids that have a positive outlook in life also maybe involved in less negative issues and fighting. Optimistic kids tend to have better chances to solve problems and can be more willing to help others.

There is also a possible certain link between how a young child has success at an early age and this will grow into success as an adult. To conclude this essay, adults and children may suffer from not being optimistic and may also share a direct link from learning how to be optimistic from an early age. Being optimistic will give people more chances to being successful, avoid getting sick, and provide them necessary tools to succeed and pursue their dreams. Being optimistic outweighs not being optimistic any day.

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