Optic nerve and open angle glaucoma

Glaucoma is known as the silent thief of sight. Most people with glaucoma do not register the symptoms and therefore it goes unnoticed in the beginning stages. According to the CNIB it is the second leading cause of blindness in developed countries. Regular eye exams are key in the treatment of glaucoma to thwart further damage and preserve sight. Although glaucoma is completely treatable early on it is not curable or preventable. In this essay I will examine what exactly glaucoma is, who is predisposed to get it, and the treatments available.

Glaucoma is a unilateral disease where the fluid pressure in the eyes is elevated because of improper drainage through the trabecular meshwork (causes of glaucoma). If glaucoma is left untreated it will cause optic nerve damage thus causing irreversible vision loss. Patients either have open angle glaucoma or closed angle glaucoma. Open angle glaucoma, or primary glaucoma, is the most common type. This is the sneaky glaucoma because most patients do not recognize the signs or symptoms and it is slow progressing (Nordqvist). Patients will visit their eye doctor with complaints of pressure and slight pain. By this time damage has already occurred. Closed angle occurs very suddenly. The patient will experience quick vision loss and extreme pain. Immediate medical attention should be sought (Nordqvist).

Many literary articles state that doctors do not know what the exact causes of glaucoma are. Although, they have been able to pinpoint certain groups of people that are predisposed to develop glaucoma. Any patients with a family history of glaucoma are immediately at a higher risk for developing the disease. Persons of African American decent are six to eight times more likely to develop glaucoma than a Caucasian person (What is Glaucoma?). There are higher rates among Asian and Inuit decent persons to develop glaucoma. Women are at three times the risk over the men to develop closed angle glaucoma (Dahl). Any patients that fit the above criteria should regularly visit their vision care doctor to be screened.

Optometrists and Ophthalmalogists test for glaucoma by measuring a patient’s intraocular pressure (IP). Normal pressures range from 12-22mmHg (millimeters of mercury)(Williams). Although, it does not necessarily mean that a patient has glaucoma if their IP measures high. Doctors will look through dilated pupils to examine the optic nerve. Peripheral field tests are also performed. Once a patient is properly diagnosed with glaucoma drugs or surgeries are used to help halt the progression of glaucoma (Nordqvist).

When talking to a local optometrist Dr. Lin about glaucoma he said patients are their own worst enemies. He explained that many patients don’t comply with their medication regime, which is the main reason why vision loss occurs. This is subject is very near and dear to me with having parent, aunt, and uncle having glaucoma. My own IP was measured at 22mmHg putting me at high risk. Everyone should be screened for glaucoma especially if you’re at a higher risk. Having regular eye appointments could save your visions.


Nordqvist, Christian. What is Glaucoma? What Causes Glaucoma? Medical News
Today. 2004. Revised 2012. Web. 04 Nov. 2013

Causes of Glaucoma. NHS Choices. 2012. Web. 04 Nov. 2013

What is Glaucoma?. Glaucoma Research Foundation, Gleams Newsletter. 2006. Web
Edition. 04 Nov. 2013.

Dahl, Andrew A. Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma. E Medicine Health. 2012. Web.
04 Nov. 2013.

Williams, Sydney. Understand Your Glaucoma. Glaucoma Research Foundation,
Gleams Newletter. 2012. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.

Glaucoma is a disease that affects the eye. It causes damage to the optic nerve which sends images to the brain. The nerve is damaged by intraocular pressure, pressure in the eye. If left untreated, glaucoma can cause vision loss. …

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of permanent blindness around the world that is preventable. This disease takes away the sense of sight slowly and there are no warning signs most of the time. The damage caused is permanent …

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of permanent blindness around the world that is preventable. This disease takes away the sense of sight slowly and there are no warning signs most of the time. The damage caused is permanent …

I.                   INTRODUCTION Vision gives you a sense of control over your immediate environment. Being able to see the world around you gives you the ability to respond to it appropriately. Vision gives us the ability to interact with our environment …

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