Objective Customer Services

Meeting Customer Needs is important because the customers will be satisfied with the organisation and will come back for, therefore the organisation will make more sales and profits e. g. when a person cannot walk, then the organisations need to provide a wheel chair access to the person. The organisation needs to employees a staff that can interpret for people who cannot speak English. The organisation also needs to give advice to the customer if customers do not know anything about the product. Meeting Customer Expectation:

Meeting Customer Expectation means to show what customer expect such as providing excellent service and to recruit a staff with better product knowledge when customer asks a questions they should able to answer the questions straightaway. Maintaining Safety: In an organisation maintaining the safety is very important. When a customer enters an organisation they should feel safe and secure. Example: if there is water on the floor they should clean it or they should put a safety notice on the board.

Maintaining Security: Maintaining Security means when there is damage or a problem the organisation should provide security and also security cameras. Achieve Customer Satisfaction: If an organisation keeps customers happy, they will be happy and will tell other about the organisation customer service and product will lead a repeat business e. g. proving good customer service and quality product to customers. Caring for customers internal and external:

The organisation should able to take good care of customer by providing helpfulness from staff. Excellent Customer Service Increase sales/ More customers: When the customer is satisfied with the organisation and the quality they produce, which means the sales will increase which means they get more customers. E. g. when a customer is satisfied with the service the organisation provide then the sale will increase, which leads to a better profit. Customer Loyalty and repeat business:

If the organisation is loyalty with the customer then it will lead to a repeat business. E. g. when the customer are coming back to an organisation, which means they are satisfied with the service. Satisfied Customers: If the customer is satisfied with the organisation then they are providing good customer service and also the customers will tell others. E. g. keeping their customers loyal and caring for them will lead customers’ satisfaction. Good Public Image:

Good Public Image is important to an organisation because it can lead more customers coming to an organisation. E. g. customer telling good thing about the organisation to their friends and families. Competitive Edge: Providing excellent customer service will lead the organisation having a competitive edge from their competitors and the customers will come back again, therefore the organisation competitors will decreased their sales and profits.

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