Nutrition education

In the book, “Nutrition standards for foods in schools”, the authors say that reviews of nutrition education in education institutions have found that most programs have resulted in moderate to minimal effects, due in some measures to implementation issues and short time frames. However, improved eating patterns are more likely to occur when changes in the school meals are implemented together with the nutritional curriculum.

A study done at a high school showed that a curriculum in which students in the class rooms cooked the same recipes as offered in the cafeteria resulted to an increased consumption of these recipes in the school lunch, whereas changes in the school lunch itself did not. Nutrition education to enhance healthy eating is challenging even with changes in the college environment, but nutrition education in form of lectures can enhance the effectiveness of school-wide efforts to improve children’s eating practices. (Stallings Virginia A. etal, 2007, Pgs 89-90)

Other reasons why for eating healthy Sarah McNamara, in her book “Stress in young people” says that eating well in young people is crucial to good health. It is a useful skill to recognize the foods which make us feel energetic and positive, and those which can make us feel positive and energetic and those which can make us feel fatigued and negative. Nutrition is also important in prevention of irritability, headaches, sluggishness, and premenstrual syndrome. It also boosts the immune system, which is important in keeping us healthy.

Despite the fads which come and go, there are basic principles to healthy eating. There include the reduction of saturated sugar, fats, salt, caffeine and alcohol, and to increase fiber and starches, fruits and vegetables. (McNamara Sarah. , 2000, Pg 142) However, eating healthy also entails eating the kinds of foods that your body requires most and avoiding those that are not required. For example, diabetic students should avoid eating foods that will put their health at risk. Bad eating habits like skipping breakfast and lunch should be avoided, because the body needs energy thought the day.

Besides the nutritional courses to promote healthy eating among college students, the college can give the students tips on choosing the kinds of foods that are of benefit to their bodies. These are important in helping the students avoid foods that will bring them problems, especially the fast foods. The University of Oregon is has such tips to guide the students choose the right kind of foods. (10 healthy tips for the busy college student) Conclusion From the research it is clear that healthy foods are important in improving all the aspects of ones life.

The importance of including a nutrition course that is mandatory for all the college students has also been emphasized. The course will not only be of importance to the students, but also to their families. This can happen when the students go for holidays and influence their family members to eat right. It will also be important when the students become parents and will need to feed their own families properly. As the research has indicated, the students need to know the dangers of eating unhealthily, including the susceptibility to certain diseases like diseases obesity and being overweight and eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia. This means that the course will also be a measure to reduce the number of deaths from nutrition related diseases.


  1. McNamara Sarah. (2000). Stress in Young People: What’s New and what Can We Do? Continuum International Publishing Group.
  2. Page Tana S. 3rd edition. (2003). Fostering emotional well-being in the classroom. California: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
  3. Stallings Virginia A. , Yaktine Ann L. , Institute of Medicine (U. S. ). Committee on Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools. (2007).
  4. Nutrition standards for foods in schools: leading the way toward healthier youth. National Academies Press

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