Nursing skills

She had no view of men being nurses and through this she went a head to put a lot of effort in ensuring that schools were established in a bid to hone the nursing skills that, according to her, were already possessed by women. It therefore became natural to bar men form these nursing schools and only women were granted admission and equipped with nursing skills. These Victorian type of schools produced numerous nurses, who were of course female and went a head to entrench into the society the believe that nursing as a profession is exclusively for women.

Just like males and nursing, women or females and detective work presents us with a grim picture of negative discrimination. Detective work is partially a work of the police force. Despite the existence of specialist investigative agencies in each nation, regular law enforcers do some level of detective work due to the nature of their work. They have to establish that a particular person has been involved in a certain crime for them to be able o arrest that person and mount a foolproof case against that person.

For this to be done some level of detective work or investigation is very necessary. Given that the police force is dominated by males, it vividly understandable why the field pf detectives has been so full of males with the few females who are there facing serious negative discrimination (Lippe, 2004). The appearance of a smartly dressed lady in someone’s office and identifying herself as detective so and so elicits prejudiced feelings not only to males but also to fellow females.

It is widely expected by society that women handle less demanding and less hazardous duties and professions like secretarial duties, catering and shop tending. Some historical practices take responsibility for this sorry state of affairs. It was not rare to find ancient war strategists sending beautiful women to their adversaries to try and find out their points of strength and using the obtained information to stage successful wars against them.

Given that most rulers fall for beautiful women, the beautiful women used for espionage purposes always succeeded in getting the required information better than men. This trend however changed when the battlefield happened to be far away from home and any time spies were needed, only men were available. Then the evolution of war and life generally to involve grave risks has scared enough women out of the profession and their male counterparts have successfully used this as an argument for dominating the field. Put in simple terms, females face serious discrimination in the field of detective work.

The absence of role models for males who want to pursue nursing as a profession has had a serious negative impact as far as the number of males joining the nursing profession is concerned. Having prominent males who have pursued …

The government, due to its mandate can also assist in reducing discrimination of male nurses and female detectives through the subjection to the force of the law of any person who commits the crime of discrimination against these people (Ferri, …

The discrimination against males in the field of nursing can be traced back to historical precedents rather than societal understanding of roles and the appropriateness to handle a certain profession of function in society. Unlike in detective work where the …

Also, as in males and the field of nursing, the society has remained silent on this matter of lopsided hiring trends in detective work. Civil society organizations have not shown any commitment in coming out to speak on behalf of …

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