Nursing since

The government, due to its mandate can also assist in reducing discrimination of male nurses and female detectives through the subjection to the force of the law of any person who commits the crime of discrimination against these people (Ferri, 2005). A part from the above, the idea of role models can come in handy. This applies to both males in the nursing profession and females in detective work.

Picking successful males in the field of nursing and magnificent performers from the field of detectives and then making their images and performance known to the younger generation and the entire public will make more males join the nursing profession and face reduced discrimination from the public and more females become detectives and find it ease due to fair treatment brought about by the positive image given to the public through role models. Role models always make those planning to join the fields excelled by the role models have the drive and confidence that they too can excel given that someone else has already done so.

Another way that only applies to reduction of discrimination of female detectives and not the reduction of discrimination of male nurses is the sensitization of the general public on the issue of special needs for women. The public can be made to understand that women going for maternity leave does not make them less efficient in the work they are doing neither does is it make them weak. Special needs must be made to appear for what they are: natural occurrences.

Natural occurrences are never a reason for discrimination unless they limit ones participation in the duty to be performed especially in a physical way. This is not what giving birth by a female does because she goes back to her normal self and comes back to duty. The hiring of male nurses by those in need of nursing services can also go to some length in reducing the discrimination experienced by male nurses. Giving male nurses equal chance by hospitals, individuals, schools, colleges, universities and other organizations will give the society the understanding that it is nothing unique for a man to be a nurse.

It will also make the male nurses themselves have confidence in themselves by dropping the doubt that they are indeed in a feminine profession. Then from here we will be able to witness appreciation for male nurses just like their female counterparts. The hiring of the available female detectives on the other hand by all those individuals and organizations that need the services of a detective will also produce a positive image of female detectives.

The few private female detectives should be given jobs just like their male counterparts and this will assist shape the societal view of detective work as the work of both males and females and not males alone. Back to the issue of male nurses and how discrimination against them can be reduced, the offering of employment opportunities to the already trained male nurses will assist in motivating more young males into pursuing careers related to nursing and this will increase the number of male nurses.

Increased numbers means numerical strength which translates to more power and more confidence. This will lead to reduced discrimination of males in the field of nursing since the existing small numbers of male nurses in countries around is a result of poor enrolment by males in careers related to nursing out of the perception that male nurses are not easily employed even with excellent performance.

The absence of role models for males who want to pursue nursing as a profession has had a serious negative impact as far as the number of males joining the nursing profession is concerned. Having prominent males who have pursued …

Also, as in males and the field of nursing, the society has remained silent on this matter of lopsided hiring trends in detective work. Civil society organizations have not shown any commitment in coming out to speak on behalf of …

Detective work has also proved to be a difficult ground for females with negative discrimination as a result of the special needs that women have. These special needs emanate from their biological engineering and society is yet to fully understand …

She had no view of men being nurses and through this she went a head to put a lot of effort in ensuring that schools were established in a bid to hone the nursing skills that, according to her, were …

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