Nursing research

To develop the science of the nursing field and its general application in the health service of the society, further research and development are needed. In this aspect of nursing research, different new approaches and concepts are discover and can be incorporated in the general field of healthcare application thus, promoting the quality of the said service.

Because of this, the said two concepts namely the aspect of research and its application are indeed important for the field of nursing service. In the application of the research material to the practice, readers and the concern population must understand some important aspects when reading the research material and incorporating it to the field. One of which is the aim of the researcher as this can significantly affect the result of his or her research and its application to the nursing field.

Another is the experimentation and testing result of the research justifying the reliability and the effectiveness of the results of the particular research. In analyzing the interpretation and recommendation segments of the report, readers must also incorporate in their critical review the background and motivation of the researcher whether his aims are only focused on one aspect resulting to bias interpretations or the research is indeed in wide perspective and open-minded interpretations.

Also, readers must also consider whether the claims of the researcher are indeed with factual result or just personal opinions of the author thus, the testing procedures must not be overlooked. In addition, readers must also bear in mind when reading the interpretation segment of each research report the application and use of the researcher’s claim and how it can revolutionize the general field of nursing service for the society.

The following assignment will review a chosen piece of nursing research and reflect on how it could have an impact on practice. According to Polit & Beck (2004), the aim of critically appraising an article is ‘an attempt to determine its strengths and …

Research in nursing WE WILL WRITE A CUSTOM ESSAY SAMPLE ON ANY TOPIC SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU FOR ONLY $13.90/PAGE Write my sample 1.  To what types of patients do these research conclusions apply? Who was in the study?             The …

Evidence-based nursing, starting back sine the 1970s, continuously influences the use of research in nursing practices. Archie, a British physician, started the trend towards an evidence-based nursing and it was further developed and improved through several studies conducted by universities …

WE WILL WRITE A CUSTOM ESSAY SAMPLE ON ANY TOPIC SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU FOR ONLY $13.90/PAGE Write my sample             Proper leadership is very important in nursing and in establishing a culture of safety within the profession. Research into appropriate …

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