Nursing care

Before, traditional ways of nursing care was used and they found out that non-scientific ways of caring for a patient often leads to harm. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a new research-based method to improve clinical practice of nurses. EBP is a method of deliberating contemporary healthcare research. It helps educate and identify ways to help nurses and other professionals to form judgment on medical and nursing practices. EBP aims so avoid hazardous practices in the medical field. Currently, EBP is not yet strictly implemented.

One factor would be its lack of implementation because it usually takes a long time for practical research to be transformed and be adopted into a medical practice. To solve this, analysts have suggested that staff need to embrace EBP because it affects patient care outcomes. However, it would be hard because most nurses are trained using the traditional method of caring. To know if EBP would be effective in emergency rooms, the PICO is formulated. (P) stands for population of the nurses, (I) for initiation, (C) for comparison and (O) for desired outcome.

With the use of the PICO, utilization of nurses with the use of EBP would be beneficial. Chapter 2 Experiments and trials for EBP to work have been done on different hospitals. The goals of these experiments were to evaluate the scientific evidence and provide knowledge for the current gaps in research. In these experiments, several problems were identified: nurses disregard EBP because they thought it was not relevant. Other observations state that nurses have these negative feelings towards research and they just stick to traditional means.

However, solutions were formulated using questionnaires that asked about the nurses feeling about EBP. Another solution was through motivation and study of EBP. Nurses were empowered because of the new information they got in knowing about EBP. Evidence-based medicine (EBM) was also used to enhance skills for evaluation and literature search. EBM refers to the explicit utilization of the best current evidences in decision making to take care of patients while EBP is a problem solving approach to better health care.

EBP implementations are a recent development in many health institutions. However, as said a while ago, it is not embraced by all nurses. Most nurses think that they lack the skill to analyze research data that is provided by the EBP. Sometimes, there are also a lot of jargons in the data. These give nurses a hard time to understand the data. However, these problems are addressed and emphasized because patients’ lives are more important and it became a driving force for change in practices of nurses. Positive results have been analyzed with the patients whose nurses are into EBP.

They are highly satisfied and receive best attention from nurses. Chapter III: Organizing Framework The Iowa Model of Evidence-based Practice to Promote Quality Care is the core of the EBP project. It will guide users to make decisions using the 5 steps in the EBP process. The Iowa model provides clinical decision-making, provides details on implementation of evidence-based practices and its techniques include both the practitioner and the organizations’ perspective. The Iowa model was developed by Dr. Marita Titler and was implemented during 1994.

It was used and utilized as a model for the evidence-based project. The model works through the formation of small number of teams and they review evidences, and feedbacks. After which, revisions are made so that data can show positive results. The results are then evaluated and distributed to other nurses. The Iowa model was formulated due to these instances: (1) problem-focused triggers. These problems occur through recurrent clinical problems and data. (2) knowledge-focused triggers. These problems occur when nurses do research or attend conferences.

The Iowa model adds research into practice to improve the quality of healthcare and medicinal products. It provides research utilization and provides a new approach to evidence-based healthcare. Chapter IV: Project Design Project design is usually the reevaluation of the before and after data of a three-page questionnaire. It aims to determine the improvement of participants regarding their knowledge on the EBP. Comparison between data will provide and improve the information of the participants in EBP using the Iowa model.

The project will be set on a community hospital namely the Wadley Regional Medical Center at north-east Texas. The hospital currently endorses EBP. 37 of their nurses participate in the project. The center recognized the need for the increase in knowledge of the use of evidence-based practices. The goal of this project is to develop proper strategies for implementing EBP. The project was ready for operation. There was a team organized after planning sessions. It was composed of the education coordinator, emergency room department manager and staff.

Collaboration was the most important part of the project. This assured that the project was ready for implementation. One of the goals of this project was to demonstrate the implementation of the evidence-based education program. This implementation will provide information if scientific evidences can be translated into clinical decision making that will improve patient conditions. Lastly, the project will be successful if team managers will facilitate and manage the time and data they have. Managers should also hold meetings for the project to be successful.

Any major change on the nursing care environment, such as adoption of a nursing model of care, requires ongoing support and reinforcement in order to maintain the benefits of such change. The process of implementing Johnson’s nursing model would take …

Evidence-based nursing, starting back sine the 1970s, continuously influences the use of research in nursing practices. Archie, a British physician, started the trend towards an evidence-based nursing and it was further developed and improved through several studies conducted by universities …

There are major criticisms associated with the use or implementation of evidence-based nursing. First of all, the nurses are already doing it, as such, many nurses engage in evidence-based practices to some extent that this is possible given the constraints …

Evidence-based nursing practice is defined as the “conscientious, explicit and judicious use of theory-driven, research-based information in making decisions about care delivery to individuals or groups of patients and in consideration of individual needs and preferences” (Ingersoll, 2000). Evidence-based nursing, …

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