Nunavut and the Primary Health Care Model

The Department of Health and Social services is responsible for achieving the healthy communities in the territory of Nunavut. The health service the territory provides is based on the primary health care model.

The health care facilities are provided through family physicians, nurse practitioners, community health nurses and pharmacists. The territory also recruits and hires family physicians when necessary. In order to be eligible to get these services, the individual should be a resident of Nunavut and he is lawfully entitled to remain Canada.

The eligible residents should apply for health card for which they will receive a unique health care number, along with the card. The coverage begins the first day of the third month after arrival in Nunavut.


1. Herbert, R. : Canada’s Health Care Challenge: Recognizing and Addressing the Health Needs of Rural Canadians. Lethbridge Undergraduate Research Journal. 2007. Volume 2 Number 1. http://www. lurj. org/article. php/vol2n1/canada. xml 2. Irvine, B.

et al: Background Briefing: The Canadian Health Care System. 2005. www. cnehealth. org/pubs/health_care_in_canada. pdf 3. http://encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_461511146/Health_Care_System_in_Canada. html 4. http://www. oecd. org/dataoecd/46/33/38979719. pdf 5. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Health_care_in_Canada#cite_note-OECD_2007-28 6. Supply, Distribution and Migration of Canadian Physicians. 2005 . http://secure. cihi. ca/cihiweb/dispPage. jsp? cw_page=download_form_e;cw_sku=SMDB2005PDF;cw_ctt=1;cw_dform=N

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