For more than 5,000 years, Ayurvedic healers have depended upon the neem tree to treat various illnesses. In Sanskrit, neem is translated as “nimba” and becomes the basis of an ancient saying “Neem, to give good health” or “the curer of all ailments. ” The bark, seeds, leaves, fruit, gum and oils of the neem tree contain pharmacological constituents which offer some impressive therapeutic qualities, including: • Antiviral: capable of destroying viruses • Antifungal: able to destroy fungi.
• Antimicrobial: able to inhibit or destroy the growth of disease-causing organisms • Antibacterial: able to destroys or inhibit the growth of bacteria • Antipyretic: able to lower body temperature or prevent or alleviate fever Today, Hindu rituals call for drinking neem tea as part of the festival of Gudi-Padvo, which is celebrated in late March when Spring begins. In a hot and humid climate like India, Summer is the season when people traditionally contract fevers and flu.
Indians still call the neem “The Village Pharmacy” and use it to treat many ailments that continue to challenge modern medicine, including viruses like the flu and common cold. Modern research is confirming those traditional uses26-72. And while none of it specifically focuses on human beings with colds or flu, universities from Bangalore to Baltimore are reporting exciting results in treating the viruses that cause disorders ranging from genital herpes to dengu fever. The neem leaf extract has been used successfully in the past to combat/control various Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).
Studies show that a neem-based cream used as a vaginal lubricant is effective against organisms such as Trichomonas, Candida, and Giardinella vaginalis that cause vaginal infections (Khan and Wassilew, 1987)19; (Garg, et al, 1993)20. Other studies have indicated neem can be effective against the types of bacteria that cause syphilis and gonorrhea (Rao, 1992)22; (Sankaram, 1987)21. These studies are only preliminary but promising and more research is being done in this area. Immunity Booster: The fact that neem affects the cell-mediated immune system is particularly important to most people.
Led by “Killer T” cells, the cell-mediated immune system is the body’s first defense against infection. Killer T-cells are able to destroy microbes, viruses and cancer cells by injecting toxic chemicals into the invaders. Neem also boosts the body’s macrophage response, which stimulates the lymphocytic system, and boosts production of white blood cells. Neem oil acts as a non-specific immunostimulant and that it selectively activates the cell-mediated immune mechanisms to elicit an enhanced response to subsequent mitogenic or antigenic challenges.
Since ages Neem has proven very effective against virus, bacteria and parasites. Scientific studies indicate that neem BOOSTS the immune system by energizing lymphocytes cells to respond to infection and other challenges to the body’s immunity. Tuberculosis and Neem: Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that has been thought conquered untilrecently. New strains resistant to antibiotics are claiming increasing numbers of lives. Those weakened by AIDS are particularly susceptible but, as an airborne disease, it is very contagious. Neem has shown antitubercular activity in sensitized guinea pigs (Murthyand Sirsi, 1958)23.
Another isolate, nimbidin, was extremely effective at controlling the cause of tuberculosis in humans, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (Chopra, 1958)24 The leaf extract was the most effective form of neem and showed inhibition at dilutions of 1 part in 80,000. Herpes and neem Research indicates that Neem is a powerful tool to fight viral infections, including the herpes virus. Neem may be applied topically to any areas of the body during an outbreak or just prior, when stress is high and we begin to get that ‘feeling’ that often occurs just before an outbreak. To speed relief, one may also take the oral supplements, such as Neem leaf capsules.
Tests in Germany show that neem extracts are toxic to the herpes virus and can quickly heal cold sores (Schmutterer, 1992)25. There has been a scientific study at Johns Hopkins University in 1997 where researchers tested the effect of neem against the herpes simplex virus-2, and found it “provided significant protection”. The scientists haven’t been able to exactly figure out how it works, but neem seems to make it difficult for viruses to reproduce. This means the impact of any viral infection will be a lot less. Neem also boosts the immune system and that also helps to fight off the virus. It definitely works.
Warts and Neem Neem absorbs viruses and prevents them from infecting cells. Since warts are caused by viruses, neem is effective in treating them. Therefore we can see that neem boosts the immune system on all levels while helping the body fight infection. It stimulates the production of T-cells to mount a head-on attack against infections. Unlike synthetic antibiotics, neem does not destroy beneficial bacteria and other micro-organisms needed to maintain optimum health. Some medical experts believe that the overuse of chemical antibiotics is contributing to the breakdown of human immune function.
Neem offers a non-toxic alternative to powerful and sometimes-damaging prescription medicines. USES & EFFECTIVENESS: The uses of neem are remarkably diverse. In India, the sap is used for treating fevers, general debilitation, digestive disturbances, and skin diseases; the bark gum for respiratory diseases and other infections; the leaves for digestive problems, intestinal parasites, and viral infections; the fruit for debilitation, malaria, skin diseases, and intestinal parasites; and the seed and kernel oil for diabetes, fevers, fungal infections, bacterial infections, inflammatory diseases, fertility prevention, and as an insecticide.
1,2 However, there is no reliable research evidence to support any of these uses. Neem bark extracts are effective for people with stomach ulcers, leaf gel can effectively fight periodontal disease, and leaf extracts can combat scabies infections. 14, 15, 16 The claimed contraceptive effects of neem have been confirmed in some animal studies showing that seed extracts of neem are spermicidal.
17 As with many plant products, test tube studies indicate that, on direct contact, neem can kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. 4-8 This does not mean, however, that neem acts as a systemic antibiotic if it is taken by mouth. Neem mouthwash or chewing gum might be helpful for preventing cavities because it can directly come in contact with cavity-causing bacteria,4,8 but this has not been proven. On the basis of extremely preliminary evidence, neem has also been advocated as a treatment for diabetes. 9.