Natural Diet and Exercise vs Weight loss Surgery

With the influx of high technology devices, the world has found a new way to get people’s desired weight and body measurement. Millions of people around the globe have been taking risks of reducing calories by undergoing through surgery while others still prefer to burn fat in natural way. Many surgeons have become popular for satisfying their clients while many manufacturing firms have introduced new products for weight loss in the market. Weight loss surgery has been a talk of the town since it was introduced in the twentieth century.

Millions of weight loss surgeries were already discovered and practiced, and as such, the process has been improving every year. Aside from losing weight, there are also other benefits of having surgery. The person who has undergone through weight loss surgery become more productive in every aspect of life and gains an improvement on vitality and strength (Ritchie 2007). Apparently, obesity is a very serious problem today. There are many people who suffer from obesity and often, they resort to surgical process to solve this problem even with the risks against their lives.

Surgery provides a built-in tool that controls a person over the food intake (Woodward 2001). There are two common types of weight loss surgery, first is making the stomach cavity smaller and the second is repairing the small intestine to absorb fat and calories. In gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon staples the stomach of the patient until the size of the pouch, which can be just appropriate for holding small amount of food. Indeed, weight loss surgery has a very complicated process that may become a matter life and death.

However, this process of losing weight does not guarantee that the person will not remain slim after the operation. After the surgery, the person is not allowed to eat in order to heal the stomach. Aside from that, there will be particular foods to take like liquid and soft foods so as not to damage the stomach for the first months after the operation. In weight loss surgery, the patient may also feel exhausted and experience body aches, hair loss and dry skin. On the other hand, many people still consider taking natural diets and exerting more efforts to exercise in order to lose weight.

For these people, natural diet is still the most effective and safest way to reduce calories in the body. In natural diet, people discipline themselves by taking proper amount of food and spending time to jog or to go to gym. In fact, other people do this natural weight loss for entertainment like participating in aerobics sessions and playing their favorite sports. The person who exercises regularly also lowers the risk of cancer because his or her body is kept active (Heidrich 2005). Proper diet means eating smaller meals at the right time to make the metabolism process faster and keep the level of energy higher.

Unlike surgery, natural diet may take a very long time for a person to see the positive result. The person needs to be disciplined and responsible in order to achieve and maintain the right weight. It may not also be as expensive as the surgery but this process really needs time and effort. However, regardless of how extensive the effort exerted by an individual in order to lose weight, the result may sometimes take long before it gets visible and noticed. This is what makes surgery an advantage for some because a person may really be assured of 50% of weight loss after the operation.

Reducing weight is necessary not only to make one pleasing to the eyes of others but also in order to maintain the body healthy. Being fat does not mean a person is healthy; in fact, obesity entails a poor health. Because of the existence of new technologies that make the lives of people more convenient and the production of superb foods in the market, everyone is striving hard to be healthy while spoiling themselves of these new things. Proper weight should be observed because there are a lot of diseases nowadays.

This may be one of the reasons why most of the people undergo surgery regardless how dangerous and expensive the process may be. On the other hand, there are still a lot of people who believe that the natural way of burning fat would be the best solution. These two ways of taking care of the body may have advantages and disadvantages; however the person who wants a healthy lifestyle needs to decide wisely. Natural diet may not be effective for some and surgery may be dangerous for others, but still, the most important thing at the end is keeping the person healthy at all times. References

Heidrich, R. (2005). Senior Fitness: The Diet and Exercise Program For Maximum Health and Longevity. New York: Lantern Books. MayoClinic. (5 October 2007). Gastric bypass surgery: What can you expect? Retrieved November 6, 2008, from http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/gastric-bypass/HQ01465 Ritchie, M. (2007). It Ain’t Over ‘Til the Thin Lady Sings: How to Make Your Weight Loss Surgery a Lasting Success. USA: Hunter House. Woodward, B. G. (2001). A Complete Guide to Obesity Surgery: Everything You Need to Know About Weight Loss Surgery and How to Succeed. Canada: Trafford Publishing.

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