National Down Syndrome Society

Social model views disability as the result of a dynamic process involving complex interactions among biologic, behavioral, psychologic, social and environmental factors. The social model enables people with disabilities to look at themselves in a more positive way, which increases their self-esteem and independence. In addition, the model also advocates looking beyond a person’s impairment and functional limitation to all and equal participant in society (Brown et al.

, 2006 p. 462). The model has been tested by the experiment of Gloria (2001) in the school setting in terms of Down syndrome children’s capacity to perform well in normal education firms. As opposed to the sociological labels implicated by the society over these individuals in terms of literary competence, and cognitive capacities most evidently in the past was validated by research of Gloria (2001).

The procedure was supported by National Down Syndrome Society through the provision of list of affiliates all over United States as well as Puerto Rico. A total of 250 questionnaires were sent to those parents with and without child/children with Down syndrome that participated in the research.

The design of the questionnaire contained four levels of questioning: 1) background experience of the teacher, including amount of teaching experience, knowledge of special education, and knowledge/attitude toward inclusion; 2) teacher preparation for inclusion by the district and/or parent, and the transition process of the student; 3) classroom information on curriculum used, class arrangement for instruction, and maintenance of therapies and support services; and 4) classroom management issues, including instructional and behavioral management strategies.

The objective was to determine the methods that general educators felt effective or otherwise with the inclusion of children with Down syndrome in their general education classes. In addition, the survey aims to evaluate the education standards provided by the academic groups among Down syndrome patients, and consequent response (Gloria, 2001). The results of the surveys revealed that Down syndrome patients still posses the capacity to enter general educational firm (Gloria, 2001); hence, validating their capacity to outlive the discriminations implicated to them by the society.

Such individuals still possess the capacity to enter and conform to human societal standards provided with proper, extensive and appropriate guidelines of modifications (Jobling, 2006). As with the research conducted, Down syndrome individuals may still possess the capacity to outlive their condition and live their life normally. The advantage of such model is the provision of probable humanitarian approach of equity towards these individuals. However, with the dynamic progression and varying capacity of Down syndrome individuals may compromise the claims of norm capacity, which is the prime disadvantage of the theoretical application.

Further validation and research that conjure positive and similar results may prove the claims and validate the implicated statement. Summary and Conclusions As for the research arguments proposed in the study, the discriminative outlook of the society over these individuals is evidently negated. Down syndrome patients may possess actual evidence of defect yet the capacity to outlive and improve is still present among these individuals provided that proper guidance, upbringing, environment, and appropriate personnel are present in their social circle.

As the behaviorist implies, the differentiation of the trisomic features and behavior have left these individuals discriminated, has been proven irrational in this research. The social label that such individuals are poor in cognition and developmental capacities has been negated by the humanistic approach of validation, which proves that enhancement and development among these individuals are still possible.


Appl, D. J. (1998, September 2). Children with Down Syndrome: implications for adult-child interactions in inclusive settings..Journal of Research in Childhood Education , 64, 443-451. Reviews research on children with Down Syndrome, highlighting physical, medical, intellectual, language, and behavioral characteristics that provide valuable information for caregivers and teachers in planning and intervention. Reviews research on parent-child interactions, providing guidelines for caregivers and teachers working in inclusive settings. Suggests that interactions and environments must be adjusted to support the uniqueness of each child.

Down syndrome is caused by the presence of extra genetic material from the 21st chromosome. Approximately, majority of the individuals with Down syndrome have an extra 21st chromosome and are identified as having “trisomy 21” subtype. Individuals with Down syndrome …

Meanwhile, as the conceptual framework of humanism converges with the view of humanitarian help over such in-need individuals. The concept that prevails in Humanism is the value of human life itself, regardless of the person’s outward or inward status in …

The study aims to illustrate the occurring trend of societal representations of the conditions of Down syndrome. The perspective of society over these individuals as well as the prevalent view, either discriminative of receptive, shall be covered in the course …

Behaviorism, humanism, and sociological labeling are some of the theoretical concepts that govern the attitude of community over these individuals. As the condition of Down syndrome progresses, the impact of various historical evolutions on the disease progression has greatly influenced …

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