Nanoscience on Cancer

Quantum dots, nanomedicine, cancer, nanoparticles, DNA binding, thermal processing, Crohn’s disease, hybridizing magnetic relaxation nanosensor (hMRS), Johne’s disease, Lame Method, biomolecules, Fe304, microspheres, PEG (polyethylene glycol-coated), Methotrexate, 5-fluoracil, double hydroxide, anticancer, clathrin-mediated, supraparticles, inorganic super clusters, monostructure, carbon nanotubes, electronic circuit elements, atom, molecule, switches, bioconjugated, and bioengineering. Problem Nanoscience should zero in on improving the medical technology that is at our disposal at the moment.

Although we can say that some equipment is advanced, only a few of the population benefit from this. This is because advanced equipment requires large amounts of money that most of the population do not have. What nanoscience can do is to improve the technology of our medical equipment and make sure that the people have access to it for a lower cost. Because of its small particles, it will speed up lab tests, diagnosis, treatment, and the like while reducing the cost. Proposed Title Medical Advancements through Nanotechnology Project Brief Nanoscience is a fast growing branch of science.

And its subtopic, nanotechnology, will help us improve and upgrade our current technology. Specification Current medical technology costs too much. With the help of nanotechnology, we can speed up all medical processes for a lower cost. Nanotubes speed up biological sensors. Hybridizing magnetic relaxation nanosensors detect hidden pathogens. With these types of equipment, a doctor in the future can conduct lab tests and give diagnosis in a single office visit. When nanotechnology is intercalated with medicine, the cost of an existing $50 lab test can be cut down to $1. Conceptual Framework.

Nanoscience is defined as “the study of performance of ultra-small structures, materials and devices, usually 0. 1 to 100nm. ” It is also defined as “the study of manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale. ” According to Dictionary. com’s 21st Century Lexicon, nanotechnology is a topic under nanoscience that talks about the manipulation of matter and electronics the size of atom or molecule. This subtopic deals on devices, material structures that are 1-100 nanometers in size. Nanoscience plays and will play a bigger role in the advancement of electronics.

With the help of nanotechnology, we can reduce electronic circuit elements to single molecules. The ability to produce electronic switches that can perform electronic logic functions within a single molecule will pave the way for a new generation of more enhanced and more sustainable electronics. The switch was discovered through studying the rotation of three metal atoms held together by a nitrogen atom. These clusters of atoms were enclosed within a hollow cage made up entirely of carbon atoms and were observed to rotate between several structures under the simulation of electrons.

This rotation changes the molecule’s ability to conduct an electric current and switch among logic states without changing the spherical shape of the carbon cage. Because of this constant spherical shape, the switch can be integrated as atom-like building blocks of future technologies. Another finding relevant to nanoscience is the generic mechanism that was discovered by Glotzer and Kotov. They discovered that if you start with nanoscale building blocks, the force that causes their attraction and the force that causes their repulsion balances each other out and limits the growth of the inorganic superclusters called supraparticles.

This generic mechanism is said to be the cause of almost perfect assembling of nanostructures. Now that we know how this mechanism works, it can be a guide in building a new design in terms of building blocks that will be designed in the same fashion. A one-pot method to synthesize uniform Fe304 hollow microspheres was used to explain the formation of magnetic hollow spheres. These Fe3O4 microspheres show super magnetism. This super magnetism in these hollow spheres implies the future use of these super magnetic spheres for smaller and higher technology.

Nanoscience makes it possible to upgrade medical equipment to smaller and higher technology. An electronic quantum dots probe was invented by Professor Swadeshmukul Santra for cancer patients. This probe “lights up” when a drug its delivering attaches to the cancer cell. This invention is a huge step in drug testing and cancer cells and untreated tumor detection. Other than equipment for treating cancer, a new device was acquired for hunting pathogens that cause inflammatory bowel disease. A research in the University of Central Florida was conducted to be able to make the detection of pathogens easier.

This research was able to develop a hybridizing magnetic relaxation nanosensor (hMRS) which can detect DNA of a pathogen. Also, a new hybrid system was developed that can be used as a better anticancer drug compared to the existing ones. The LDH (layer double hydroxide) intercellular mechanism resulted into effective delivery and eventually enhancing drug efficiency. DNA studies were made to be a guide in the creation of 3D crystalline structures of nanoparticles. This 3D crystalline structure, in the future, may have different functions depending on its structure, and medicine improvement can be one of its functions.

Medicinal advancements are growing rapidly because of nanoscience. Let’s take DNA sensors for example, these sensors will be upgraded and can be used for wide scale detection. It is possible to create highly upgraded medical equipment with the help of super tiny particles that exist in this world and tiny particles that you can synthesize. In the future, nanotechnology will make things more portable and more effective. Bibliography Changchun Institute of Applied Science (2010). Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. American Scientific Publishers. 91381 – 1439. Choi S. J. (2010).

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Abstract |Nanotechnology is an emerging scientific field creating materials, devices and systems at the molecular level. By being able to work at the ultra-small scale( billionth of a metre), nanotechnology is being used to deliver innovations in sectors including health. …

Abstract |Nanotechnology is an emerging scientific field creating materials, devices and systems at the molecular level. By being able to work at the ultra-small scale( billionth of a metre), nanotechnology is being used to deliver innovations in sectors including health. …

Abstract |Nanotechnology is an emerging scientific field creating materials, devices and systems at the molecular level. By being able to work at the ultra-small scale( billionth of a metre), nanotechnology is being used to deliver innovations in sectors including health. …

Nanotechnology is derived from the combination of two words Nano and Technology. Nano means very small or “miniature”. So, Nanotechnology is the technology in miniature form. It is the combination of Bio- technology, Chemistry, Physics and Bio-informatics, etc. Nanotechnology originated …

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