Myocardial infarction

Introduction To show and understand why heart attack occurs, it’s important to explain what is the heart and how does it works. It’s also important to explain each aspect of the main structure of the muscle, supporting in diagrams that make the work easier and show perfectly the knowledge. My plan of writing was: what is the heart, how does it work, what is the circulatory system, how does it work. The internal structure of the heart, the movements of the heart, the electrical signal of the heart and finally heart attack. Essay Human body has two circulations systems.

The main organ is the heart, which is a pump located between the lungs in the chest. The heart is divided in four chambers and is mainly made up from muscle. The right side of the heart is called right atrium, in the same side but at the bottom is located the right ventricle. In the upper left side of the heart is the left atrium, and under it the left ventricle. The circulatory system is also made up from tubes called blood vessels: arteries, which carries blood to the organs and veins, which carries blood back to the heart from the organs.

These two structures are connected by small vessels called capillaries, in other words help diffusion to happen. This means the transportation of blood from a high oxygen concentration zone to a low concentration of oxygen zone. The right side of the heart is reached by blood that comes from the organs but is lack of oxygen. This blood enters by the right atrium and goes in to the right ventricle, and then it is pumped out to the lungs where it’s enriched of oxygen. The oxygenated blood passes in to the left atrium and goes down the left ventricle and finally is pumped out to the rest of the body.

The beating heart contracts and relaxes, contraction is called systole and relaxation is called diastole. Four values control the flow of blood in the heart. Valves prevent blood moving in the wrong direction through the heart or going backwards. These ones are called the tricuspid and bicuspid or mitral, they control the blood flowing from the atrium into the ventricle: aortic valve and pulmonary valve prevents blood to flow back into the heart. During systole ventricles contract forcing bicuspid and tricuspid valve to close. The pressure make by blood push the pocket valves to open and the blood travels from the ventricles to the arteries.

Just before it chords become thigh and prevent atrio ventricular valve turn inside out. During the systole the ventricular muscle relaxes, which make the bicuspid and tricuspid valves to open and the pocket valves close making blood flows from atria to ventricles. Its important to know that the heart produces its own electrical signals if anything interrupts the electrical signals that reach the heart, the heartbeat becomes irregular. A very fast heart rate is called ventricular fibrillation. These electrical signals are produced on the sinus node.

The heart also get sick, it means the whole circulatory system gets in danger. The first and common cause of the diseases is Cholesterol, a fatty substance more known as a lipid present in all cells of the body. The liver produces all the cholesterol that the body needs to form cell membranes and produce certain hormones. When we eat food such as meat, eggs and dairy products, we introduce additional cholesterol in the body. That with the time can cause circulatory problems. Atherosclerosis is the main form of heart disease in humans. This is caused deposits of lipid material which.

These deposits are called plates. The plates stick on the inner wall of the coronary arteries. The arteries get thicker so the walls restrict blood flow to the heart muscle. The symptoms of this restriction may consist of difficulty breathing, especially during exercise, and oppressive pain in the chest that is called angina pectoris. When the artery is completely obstructed the heart muscle is blocked, because its normal process has been modified, so the heart attack occurs not least If the blood supply is stopped for more than a few minutes, heart muscle cells may be injured and die.

The medical term for heart attack is myocardial infarction. A heart attack is also sometimes called a coronary thrombosis or coronary occlusion. These are the main causes of heart attacks or heart attacks, which often have fatal consequences. Obviously the human body is not prefect, neither the heart is. Its valves also can be dysfunctional or the heart muscle can have a blow, imperfections or electrical damages that can cause also problems.

There are some factors that a person can have into a count to prevent a Heart Attack: Family history of early heart disease: Diabetes mellitus, High blood cholesterol, High blood pressure, Cigarette smoking, Overweight Physical, inactivity and more. The heart is almost the center of the human body, as humans we have to care about it, it pumps 5 quarts of blood each minute, 100000 beats day, and 35 million beats a year it’s important to have into account that it is never too late to reduce your risk of heart disease.

As one of the region’s most comprehensive cardiac care centers, The Heart Center at Sinai offers advanced heart care, a highly equipped cardiac catheterization laboratory, and an Emergency Chest Pain Evaluation Unit that makes chest pain a priority, allowing physicians …

The heart is the organ that helps supply blood and oxygen to all parts of the body. It is divided by a partition or septum into two halves, and the halves are in turn divided into four chambers. The heart …

The human heart has four chambers. On each side of the heart there is one atrium and one ventricle, thus referred to as the left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium and right ventricle. To ensure that blood does not flow …

Each Year 1. 1 Million people in the United States have heart attacks and almost half of them die. Even though heart attacks isn’t the end of a person’s life, people can still live an active, productive life after a …

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