My running skills

My current level of fitness: I already exercise and have a fairly good level of general fitness. General fitness concerns of every day life as follows: every morning I wake up and do 2 minutes press ups and have a shower to relax my muscles, I mainly try to relax my biceps and triceps. Well as you all know school is very tiring. I have 3 pe lessons (1 hour), which I think is lot for a 15 year old, as well as I have started playing football for the school team. I also help with household duties as well, hovering my room and iron my clothes.

It takes 1 hour only cleaning my room and an extra half hour to iron my clothes. I have started going playing with my dad, every week for 3 hours, I played tennis long time ago when I was 9 years old and I played for 3 years and stopped now I started again and I’m getting better and better. Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have any injuries or health problems. My current level of health: I do not suffer from any persistent illnesses like asthma and at the moment I have no injuries that will effect me when doing my circuit training. This means that I will get accurate results.

I don’t have any injuries or any health problems. But if I increase my activities a lot I will hurt my self. My muscles will be so tired they might rip a lot but wont repair as quickly, some could take a month. State what targets you expect to achieve by the end of the 5 sessions in terms of aspects of fitness/skills you want to improve. The programme will help to develop my running skills further, as it is specific to running. I will take into account my current fitness after I have done the multi stage fitness and know my level I can then set my starting times for the circuit.

I will have a trial session to check that the times will push me and there fore not to be too easy. It is also important that they are manageable because I could cause muscle injury if I try to do too much too soon or put my self off and I will not push myself. Awareness of safety aspects. Outline any potential risks with any apparatus/equipment. Wear appropriate clothing if the weather is too hot do not ware tracksuits, you will get heat exhaustions. I will not wear any jewellery, my shoes should have good grip and appropriate clothes e. g. current footwear.

Make sure no water, glass or gravel on the floor. Check the bench if it doesn’t wobble underneath the bench. Check equipments for faults such as uneven bench effects the dips and straddle jumps. See if you have the space you need it. There is not a great deal of risk of injury in my circuit, the main risk is of a collision with others if a lot of us are moving at the same speed at the same time. This is why I have given a lot of space to the shuttle runs. Hurdle jumps makes sure if it faces the right way round and enough space between every one.

Pull ups makes sure that the beams are bulleted in and pegs are on so it’s balanced. What factors will you need to consider when planning the order/types of exercises? I have tried to choose some exercises that will increase my cardiovascular because my aim is to do a better bleep test score. I have balanced my exercises e. g. first I wanted to wake up my body I choose skipping then dips, that will help my muscular endurance, it will make me able to use voluntary muscles many times without becoming tired. It helps me to sprint or repeat quick actions for longer.

After that I have chosen step ups to strengthen my leg. You have to use your upper body to help you run better that’s why I have chosen sit-ups next. Then I wanted to challenge myself so I did two leg exercises in a row, hurdle jumps and shuttle runs. The hardest excersice I did was press-ups but it will help me later on when I run. Explain how and why you will prepare your body for exercise/and help it to recover afterwards. Firstly I take my pulse to see how fast does my heart beat before doing exercise then I prepare by doing a warm up.

To get your body ready for the exercises. First pulse raising, mobility then stretch. Pulse rising: I will run up and down the sports hall. Mobility: rotate each of the following joints: 1st Fingers, 2nd Wrists, 3rd Elbows, 4th Shoulders, 5th Neck, 6th Trunk and Shoulder Blades, 7th Hips, 8th Knees, 9th Ankles, and 10th Feet and Toes. Stretch: Stretching is useful for both injury prevention and injury treatment. If you do it probably, stretching increases flexibility and this directly translates into reduced risk of injury. It will increase blood that flows to the muscles.

You tense your muscles which then squeezes your veins and forces your blood to circulate, and then your heart is will get to work out as it is pumping more blood. Increasing circulation brings fresh oxygenated blood to your body more often. After I will warm down to bring my pulse rate down. Make sure i am hydrated and have eaten appropriate food for growth and strength (milk) and pasta for energy. I do pulse raising because I prepare my body for the activities, it makes my legs ready for the activities because my activities are almost to do with legs.

Mobility prepares my body completely for different movements that make up the main part of my activities. Muscle stiffness is thought to be directly related to muscle injury and therefore the mobility should be aimed at reducing muscle stiffness. Appropriateness of chosen exercises. Explain why you have chosen at least two of the exercises/activities and how they will help you achieve your targets. 5 marks Reason for choosing Exercise 1  : I think that shuttle runs will help me a lot to improve my endurance.

It will increase my heart rate; the higher the heart rate is the better my endurance will be. I think that it will make my gastrocnemius stronger. It’s the end of the season but I think you can run at any season wheather its pre-season, start of season, mid-season or the end season. I think my body muscles are strong but I have to improve my cardiovascular system.

Reason for choosing Exercise 2 : I include this exercise in my programme in order to improve upon my muscular endurance in my legs and my cardio-respiratory fitness. My anaerobic fitness will also be improved, as I will be carrying out the exercises for short intense periods of time. This means I will be working at 80-90% of my maximum heart rate (the calculation to find this is 220-age(15)=205=164bpm) one of the benefits of working my body anaerobically by skipping are that my muscles will be able to tolerate lactic acid better which will help me when I’m running long distances or sprinting 400m (its hard to sprint 400m) Appropriate application. 5 marks Explain how your training will progress each time and how you will be working harder.

The programme will help to develop my running skills further, as it is specific to running. I will take into account my current fitness after I have done the multi stage fitness and know my level I can then set my starting times for the circuit. I will have a trial session to check that the times will push me and there fore not to be too easy. It is also important that they are manageable because I could cause muscle injury if I try to do too much too soon or put my self off and I will not push myself.

I include this exercise in my programme in order to improve upon my muscular endurance in my legs and my cardio-respiratory fitness. My anaerobic fitness will also be improved, as I will be carrying out the exercises for short intense periods of time. This means I will be working at 80-90% of my maximum heart rate (the calculation to find this is 220-age(15)=205=164bpm) one of the benefits of working my body anaerobically by skipping are that my muscles will be able to tolerate lactic acid better which will help me when I’m running long distances or sprinting 400m (its hard to sprint 400m)

How long your Muscles can withstand the exercise being done. Agility How quickly and efficiently your body can change direction in the smallest amount of space. Cardiovascular Endurance How long your respiratory systems can go on for. Balance and Co-ordination How well your body works in …

Pre-season preparation: Do anaerobic, aerobic and skills training – and some extra strength training, I will also prepare this stage, however merging it with the first stage. Competition: will compete regularly, while maintaining his fitness and preventing reversibility and getting enough …

We warm up so we are less likely to cause injury to ourselves and so that our muscles are well stretched, we cool down to make sure that are muscles don’t cease up, and we are not aching the next …

I will be doing the extended work out again jus like in the previous session. After thoughts on session The session went well, with no problems at all. Later in the evening I didn’t feel tense or any pain in my muscles, …

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