My mission in life

To take care of people and help those that are in need is my mission in life, I think this is what I’ve been born to do, and this is my destiny. For my entire life all I have been doing is help other people and to show care to them. I work in the navy as a nuclear technician and I am also a mother. I have always loved kids and I value life a lot, my children are the most precious things in the world for me. Whenever I see sick people suffering especially children I feel very sorry for them and I feel torn apart.

I want to help these people but I cannot do anything but just look at them suffer. I feel very helpless in situations like these; I wish I could do something for them. Even though I may not be a doctor and I do not know how to cure diseases, at least I want to be able to help them in my own way. I may not know anything about medicine but I have been proven to provide care to people since I am a mother. I value human life a lot.

Even if I could not cure sickness at least I want to ease the pain of these people who are suffering. Which is why I want to be a nurse, I want to help these sick people in the hospital especially the children and care for them. I am also a patriot which is why I work for the navy. I love to serve my countrymen and my mother land. This is another reason why I want to become a nurse, I want to help serve my country and I believe I would be able to contribute a lot more if I work as a nurse.

As a nurse I will give my all to help my people, I will take care of these sick people as if they are my own children. I will devote everything to my work, I am used to giving my full devotion and I will continue to do so as a nurse. I will do my best as a nurse for my country men and for my mother land. It gives me great joy when I help people out, I want a work wherein I would be happy in it as well as contribute to the community and I think being a nurse will provide me just that.

Mission: “To provide quality health care in a culturally sensitive manner. Vision: “To design and implement a quality, community-based primary care system with an emphasis on intervention and prevention. A system which is caring, compassionate and competent focusing on the …

Mission: “To provide quality health care in a culturally sensitive manner. Vision: “To design and implement a quality, community-based primary care system with an emphasis on intervention and prevention. A system which is caring, compassionate and competent focusing on the …

‘That service is the noblest which is rendered for its own sake’. — Mahatma Gandhi. Human’s existence on the earth is always full of great pleasures and sorrows, strengths and weaknesses and health and illnesses, like the day and the …

In the course text, read the case study at the bottom of page 230. Write a 3-5 page paper on what could be a mission or vision of the Community Medical Center that would guide the president in his decision …

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