Mu2.4 Contribute to Children and Young People’s Health and Safety

1. 2 Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work setting All health and safety issues are to be reported to Lynn Taylor. Lynn then ensures all staff are made aware of the issue and arranges for repair/removal as necessary. All of the current Busy Bees staff are trained first aiders. The Health and safety officer is Lynn Taylor. Lynn completes the yearly risk assessment, and all the staff are responsible for the daily and weekly assessments.

Responsibility for reporting a risk is of all the staff, and for them to ensure Lynn is informed so she is able to arrange repair/removal as necessary. 1. 3 Explain what risk assessment is and how this is managed in the work setting A risk assessment is a procedure carried out to identify, evaluate and estimate levels of risk and hazards in a situation or setting and developing an action plan outlining any action required to remove a risk or hazard and a timeline for the completion of the action required.

At Busy Bee’s risk assessments are carried out daily, before and during each session, weekly and termly. Annually a full risk assessment of the setting and its outside areas is carried out by Lynn Taylor. As it is a shared setting, this is done alongside the Health and Safety Officer for the Early Years Centre. Risk assessments contain details of the risk, who is at risk, what action is to be taken, and the timescale that it will be dealt with when necessary. 2. 1 Explain why a safe but challenging environment is important for children and young people.

Children are unable to identify dangers as readily as an adult Challenges aid learning and development The benefits of a safe but challenging environment for children are that they are able to explore their surroundings gaining confidence and knowledge that they can then use in their world away from Busy Bees. 2. 2 Identify the difference between risk and hazard A hazard is the possible source of danger/harm; a risk is the possibility of being harmed by the hazard. 3. 1 Identify non-medical incidents and emergencies that may occur in the work setting.

Break in, burglary, theft of personal or setting’s property, fire, flood, gas leak, electrical failure, attack on member of staff or parent on the premises or nearby, any racist incident involving staff or family on the centre’s premises, death of a child, terrorist attack or threat of one. 3. 2 Outline the actions to take in response to the following situations (a) Fires: If you see a fire, break the glass and sound the alarm or when the alarm sounds 1. Gather children together and collect register, mobile phone, contact details box and first aid kit 2.

The person in charge will lead the children out of the building assisted by any students and any other visitors if present. The second member of staff will sweep around the toilets and three rooms, closing doors behind them, if safe to do so. 3. Assemble at the back of the Mill Race gardens beside the wall. 4. Take register and phone head teacher/deputy/secretary. Numbers are programmed into the phone. 5. The responsibility of phoning the emergency services lies with the school office, but if in doubt, dial 999. 6. If it is a fire drill, complete evaluation form when back in the building.

(b) Security incidents: Missing child, if a child goes missing from the setting ·The person in charge will carry out a thorough search of the building and garden, other staff from the school may be called upon for help to look for the lost child ·The register is checked to make sure no other child has also gone astray ·Doors and gates are checked to see if there has been a breach of security whereby a child could wander out ·Person in charge talks to staff to establish what happened ·If the child is not found the parents are contacted and the missing child is reported to the police ·Other children are cared for and reassured by staff.

Child goes missing from an outing where parents are not attending and responsible for their child, setting ensures that there is a procedure that is followed ·As soon as it is noticed that a child is missing, staff on the outing ask the remaining children to stand with their designated person and carry out a headcount to ensure that no other child has gone astray, One staff member searches the immediate vicinity but does not search beyond that ·The person in charge is informed, if s/he is not on the outing and makes his/her way to the venue to aid the search and be the point of contact for the police as well as support staff ·Staff take the remaining children back to the setting

·The person in charge of the setting contacts the child’s parent who should make their way to the setting or outing venue as agreed with the person in charge ·The staff contact the police using the mobile phone and report the child as missing ·In an indoor venue, the staff contact the venue’s security who will handle the search and contact the police if the child is not found.

·The person in charge contacts the chairperson of the management committee who comes down to the setting as soon as possible. The Investigation ·The management committee chairperson carries out a full investigation taking written statements from all the staff present at the time, or who were on the outing ·The key person/Staff writes an incident report detailing oThe date and time of the report; oWhat staff/children were in the group/outing; oWhen the child was last seen in the group/outing; oWhat has taken place in the group/outing since then; and oThe

time it is estimated that the child went missing ·A conclusion is drawn as to how the breach of security happened ·If the incident warrants a police investigation all staff co-operate fully, In this case, the police will handle all aspects of the investigation, including interviewing staff, Social services may be involved if it seems likely that there is a child protection issue to address ·The incident is reported under RIDDOR arrangements and is recorded in the incident book; the local authority health and safety officer may want to investigate and will decide if there is a case for prosecution.

·OFSTED is informed ·Inform insurance company (c) Emergency incidents: If the emergency requires the setting to be evacuated, the fire procedure would be followed. For any health emergencies, the setting leader would contact the correct emergency service on the mobile phone 4. 1 Identify the signs and symptoms which may indicate that a child or young person is injured or unwell Unable to join in normal activities, unusually quiet, telling the staff they are unwell or hurt, blood, holding a body part, vomiting, diarrhoea, 4.

2 Identify circumstances when children or young people may need urgent medical attention Fever 40degrees c or higher, continuous vomiting, seizure, rash that doesn’t disappear when pressed, unusual confusion, irregular breathing (unable to talk/cry), stomach ache resulting in child doubling up, head trauma, perfuse bleeding, broken bone, difficulty breathing, floppy or unresponsive, persistent asthma attack 4. 3 Outline own role and responsibilities in the event of a child or young person requiring medical attention Currently I would alert a first aider and assist them under instruction. I am awaiting confirmation of a First Aid course booking.

This will be completed by July 2012. 5. 1 Describe the reporting procedures for accidents, incidents, emergencies and illnesses Any accidents, incidents, emergencies or illnesses that occur during a session, are entered onto an accident form in the accident book and reported to the parent. Staff and parent then need to sign the accident form. The form includes what happened, when it happened, and where it happened. Also what action was taken and by whom. It also outlines if any further action needs to be taken. 6. 1 Outline procedures for infection control in own work setting Children’s hands are washed; before and after eating, before cooking, after toilet is used.

We encourage the children to cover their mouth and nose and to turn their heads when sneezing or coughing. The children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own hygiene. Supervision is in place for encouragement to do so. If a child suffers from sickness or diarrhoea, they are to be 24 hours clear of their last episode before returning to the setting. Parents are kept informed of all infections that pupils who have attended the setting are suffering/have suffered from, such as lice and chicken pox. For extra care with low immunity children, all parents are asked to inform Busy Bee’s before a session starts of any illness including common cold.

There is a designated toilet which is cleaned thoroughly before the child enters the setting, for their use. 6. 2 Describe personal protective clothing that is used to prevent spread of infection Rubber gloves are used when dealing with any bodily fluid. 7. 1 Identify the procedures of the work setting governing the receipt, storage and administration of medicines All medicine is received with a completed ‘Medical Permission’ form. There are forms for short and long term administration. All medicines are stored in labelled bags, in a high cupboard in a secure, gated area, that the children are unable to enter, unless it needs refrigerating, then it is stored in the fridge in the same gated area.

On administering medication staffs are to: Check the child’s details to ensure they have the correct child Check if there is a signed permission slip Check the reason for the child receiving the medication For prescribed medicines – check the label for child’s name, dosage and expiry date Non-prescription medicines – check that the medicine is labelled, in its original container, with details of dosage, time/frequency and expiry date 2 members of staff are to check the dosage Any written instructions from the parents are to be followed Use any tools that are supplied with the medication e. g. spoons, syringes Talk to the child and tell them what you are doing

Supervise children who are administering their own medicine If the child refuses their medication – do not force them to take it Complete the medication record for each medicine, and complete each time the medicine is administered Record the date, time, name of medicine, dosage, name of staff administering and name of staff checking Both staff to sign the medication record Record if the child has refused the medicine Record any comments regarding child e. g. reaction to medicine Parents should be informed when they collect the child of what medicine has been given Parents to sign the medication record to acknowledge that they have been informed.

Inform the next setting the child attends e. g. afterschool club or child-minder 7. 2 Explain how the procedures of the work setting protect both children and young people and practitioners The procedures are in place so we are able to provide a healthy, safe and nurturing environment for our children to attend and for our staff to work within. Parents trust our setting with the care of their child/ren. Ensuring our policies are kept current and adhered to enables us to give out highest level of care. The procedures are also in place to help us meet our legal duty to protect, and for staff to be supported and well informed within their roles.

1. 2 Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work setting All health and safety issues are to be reported to Lynn Taylor. Lynn then ensures all staff are made aware of the issue …

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