Motivation and Eating

Here are the lists I’ve come up from what was eaten in our household yesterday. The first list is of those items I consumed and the below is of those consumed by my mom. After she had made the list, I had explained about internal and external motivators and had her mark the items on her list just as I did on mine. Comparing the results of this activity, it clearly shows that there are a number of external factors that affect my eating behavior. However, it remains that the decision to actually partake in the consumption of food is an internal decision for me.

Included in the list are instances where the mere presence of food entices me to grab a bite or two. My mother on the other hand, although she may still have a majority of external factors that affect her dietary intake, is more “obliged” to partake in the actual consumption due to her responsibilities as a mother, explaining that she had to prepare meals because “it was time for breakfast” or “time for dinner”, and as such these duties also presented themselves as enough reason to suppress her internal motivators.

Judging from the items consumed in both lists, I believe it safe to say that the general state of the food eaten was not entirely unhealthy, hence I could say that they were not the “wrong kinds” of food. Though there may be a sufficient amount of food in the house, I had consumed the junk food such as the chips and soda from outside of the house.

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