Modern Healthcare

The evaluative criteria for assessment in which the rate of the effectiveness of the said alternatives will be judged based on their projected outcomes. Closely related to this is the assessment of the measure of the alternative’s efficiency as based on the over-all welfare of the individuals concerned (Bardach, 2003, p. 20). If the disposition of the uninsured will be relatively better off than what is at present, then it could be significantly deduced that the outcomes of the said alternatives indeed proved to be effective.

Certain values that are closely related on basic human rights are also included such as the right to a fair and effective medical treatment regardless of social status or race and the freedom of choice for the uninsured to chose a managed health care facility that he or she perceives to be providing him or her the best amount and type of care. Projected Outcomes With regards to projecting the outcomes of the said alternatives, the author is well aware that some of the alternative policies could be seen as in conflict with the business plans and revenue goals of insurance companies, hospitals and other managed health care facilities.

However, the author will be assessing such proposed alternatives in the most objective manner as possible. The suggestion about the government’s capacity to cater to the needs of the uninsured given that if it only has the will power (Epstein, 2002) is something that has been perceived by the author as highly plausible. The Bush administration has been investing too much on the war in the Middle East that a huge amount of the country’s national budget has been allocated to such.

The author perceived that the government should look into the health needs of its citizens and other individuals within its jurisdiction before it starts on investing too much on international policies that projected minimal over-all utility to its country. In relation with this, the bill that could have helped employers by banding together to provide insurance to its employees is something that could be seen as a very promising alternative.

The issue however of the possibility of unfairness and conflicting state rules could be remedied by providing a more detailed policy that could make such an endeavor effective. Such a proposition that perceives the possibility of small companies to band together could be both beneficial for the former and for the government as well, as insurance costs will be reduced and the revenues of these said companies will be barely affected. The proposition of Owcharenko (2006) which emphasizes the need for the tax break policies on the marginalized should be improved in order for them to afford their own insurances.

Such a policy then as the author perceives could do well in terms of helping the government in terms of being able to cater to the needs of a relatively bigger population of the uninsured and would also not hurt the insurance industry. However, of course there would be a huge criticism on the part of the government in terms for those high-earning individuals. Owcharenko’s FSAs and HRAs are good in terms of providing the patients not only their right for proper treatment but also to significantly exercise their freedom in terms of choosing the appropriate health care facility for them.

Confronting Trade-Offs Trade-offs between a more considerate and humanistic health policy for the uninsured versus the profits and revenues of insurance companies appears to be not a problem in terms of the alternatives provided in order to help the government improve its health policies for the uninsured. Such is evident on the core argument of such propositions to pass and or improve legislations that could make the disposition of the people who don’t possess any insurance relatively better.

The Decision The author perceived that the alternatives proposed would be highly beneficial if the government would consider it to be integrated on their national health policy for the uninsured. The Story The health care industry of the country is facing a huge dilemma most specially in distributing fairness in terms of the allocation of health services that is due not only to every American citizen but also to other races who lives in the country as well.

Such a growing injustice in the health industry has been attempted to be solved many times starting from the nurse advocates, the hospitals, non-government organizations and also the government as well. However, even though more than seven decades has passed since the necessity of insurance was perceived, the government still is quite slow in terms of providing solutions to the health problems of its citizens.

The budget deficit has been blamed due to the lack of monetary support, however, it is very evident that the government’s finances were clearly improperly allocated to certain war endeavors which a number of critics have argued to be null on the first place. The ethical dilemmas that stem out due to the lack of funds, legalities, concern for profit (of insurance companies) are directly affecting the marginalized, the children, the minorities, and the senior people.

Literature Cited

Bardach E (2000). A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving. New York: Chatham House Publishers.Jost K (1998). Patient’s Rights: The Issues. The CQ Researcher (8) (5) 101-109. Owcharenko N (2006). Reducing the Number of Uninsured. Health Care 95-97. Romano M (2002). If you have to ask, you can’t afford it. Modern Healthcare (32) (12) p17, 1p, 2c. Tunzi M (2004). The Uninsured. American Family Physician, (69) (6) 1357-1360. Young J. et al (2004). Providing Life-Saving Health Care to Undocumented Children: Controversies and Ethical Issues. PEDIATRICS, (114) (5) 1316-1320. Westerfield, D (1993). National Health Care: Law, Policy, Strategy. Westport, CT : Praeger Publishers. New York: Chatham House Publishers.

People who don’t possess any form of insurance were the ones who normally belong on the lower part of the social strata and the ones who were mostly doing blue collar jobs. These people were projected to be more prone …

A Wall Street Journal Online/Harris Interactive Health-Care Poll indicates that on a whole, the American public “believes that reducing the percentage of uninsured Americans is the most important healthcare issue for the government to address. ” (Cummings, 2006, p. 1) …

According to the National Healthcare Disparity Report, there are discrepancies in the delivery of health care service among certain groups such as low income families, minority groups, women, elderly, children, handicapped, among others. While minority groups have the biggest problems …

The public policy of a government is determined by its actions and inactions in addressing conflict within the society. The policies of the government are mainly directed in providing benefits and livelihood needs to people who lack them, using taxes …

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