Modern Diagnosis

According to modern medical research, Hysteria or now known as Somatization disorder requires certain considerations in order that for disorder to be diagnosed as such. One basic element is that the patient must have a history of multiple physical complaints, which started before the age of 30, and such complaints continued for several years. The said symptoms must result in to significant and impairment to social, occupational or other areas of functioning- that lead the person experiencing such to seek medical treatment. The American Psychiatric Association provides for the main criteria in the diagnosis of Somatization disorder, which are;

1. The patient must report a history of pain affecting at least four different parts or functions of the body like headache, back, joint, chest, or abdominal pain, or pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse. 2. A history of at least two gastrointestinal symptoms, like nausea, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, or food intolerance must be reported. 3. There must be a history of at least one sexual reproductive symptom such as lack of interest in sex, problems achieving erection or ejaculating, irregular menstrual periods, excessive menstrual bleeding or vomiting throughout pregnancy.

4. One symptom must mimic a neurological condition such as weakness, paralysis, problems with balance or coordination, seizures, hallucinations, loss of sensations such as touch, seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling-or difficulty swallowing or speaking, or amnesia and loss of consciousness; Pseudo-neurologic symptoms like these are the primary characteristics of another somatoform disorder known as conversion disorder. From American Psychiatric Association (2000) Modern Treatments

The American Psychiatric Association further provided for the modern treatments for Somatization Disorder as follows: “Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for Somatization disorder focuses on changing negative patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that contribute to somatic symptoms. The cognitive component of the treatment focuses on helping patients identify dysfunctional thinking about physical sensations. With practice, patients learn to recognize catastrophic thinking and develop more rational explanations for their feelings.

The behavioral component aims to increase activity. Patients with Somatization disorder have usually reduced their activity levels as a result of discomfort or out of fear that activity will worsen symptoms. CBT patients are instructed to increase activity gradually while avoiding overexertion that could reinforce fears. Other important types of treatment include relaxation training, sleep hygiene, and communication skills training.

Preliminary findings suggest that CBT may help reduce distress and discomfort associated with somatic symptoms; however, it has not yet been systematically compared with other forms of therapy. Medication for the disorder includes, Antidepressant medications, which may help to alleviate symptoms of Somatization disorder. According to one study, patients with Somatization disorder who took the antidepressant nefazodone (Serzone) showed reductions in physical symptoms, increased activity levels, and lower levels of anxiety and depression at the end of treatment”

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