Model chemLab

Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to test Charles’ law by finding the relationship between the volume of a gas and its temperature. Charles’ law states: “at constant pressure, the volume of a particular sample of gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature. ” Conducting the lab, you find that the volume increases as the temperature increases. Procedure 1. Obtain a 60ml Syringe Sealed from the Gas Syringe. Set the volume to 20 ml. 2. Add a thermometer to the gas syringe. 3. Record temperature and volume for Trial A. 4. For Trial B, a 250ml beaker will be used.

Add 200ml of ice water (-20 degrees C). Monitor temperature of H20. 5. Then add syringe to the beaker of water. 6. Wait up to 3 minutes for the syringe temperature to equalize with the beaker temperature. Record both volume and temperature for the syringe in your data chart. 7. Trial C: Remove the syringe. Empty the beaker. Add a thermometer to the beaker. Add 100 ml of Ice Water and then add another 100 ml of water at Room Temperature. Repeat Steps 5 & 6. 8. Trial D: Remove the syringe. Empty the beaker. Add a thermometer to the beaker. Add 100 ml of water at Room Temperature.

Select the beaker and then select a Bunsen Burner. Heat until water reaches 100° C. Then add another 100 ml of water at Room Temperature. Remove the Bunsen Burner. Repeat Steps 5 & 6. 9. Trial E: Remove the syringe. Empty the beaker. Add a thermometer to the beaker. For the last measurement, add 200 ml of water at Room Temperature to the beaker and heat with a Bunsen Burner until it reaches 100° C. Remove the Bunsen Burner. Repeat Steps 5 & 6. Observations and Results Trial Temperature (°Celcius) Absolute Temperature (°Kelvin) Volume (mL) Experiment Volume (mL) Calculated A 20 293 20 20.

B -20 253 17 17 C 0 273 19 19 D 58 331 23 23 E 92 365 25 25 Discussion According to Charles’ Law “a given quantity of gas is held at a constant pressure, its volume is directly proportional to the absolute temperature. ” So therefore, an increase in temperature also increases the volume acquired by gas. As our table shows, as we gradually increased the temperature of the water, the volume of the gas also increased. Conclusion Based on the experiment conducted, Charles’ law stands true. As we increased the temperate five separate times, we observed an increase in volume each time.

Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to test Charles’ law by finding the relationship between the volume of a gas and its temperature. Charles’ law states: “at constant pressure, the volume of a particular sample of gas is directly …

Introduction The purpose of this lab was to determine the effect of temperature on the volume of gas when the pressure is consistent and to verify Charles’ Law. The data from the experiment reveals that as temperature increases, so does …

Introduction Temperature is known as one of the factors that affect the solubility of a gas in its solvent. Because the enthalpy of solution for gases dissolved in waters is usually negative (Reger, 2009; 482), students may hypothesize that the …

Introduction Temperature is known as one of the factors that affect the solubility of a gas in its solvent. Because the enthalpy of solution for gases dissolved in waters is usually negative (Reger, 2009; 482), students may hypothesize that the …

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