Misleading effects

The importance of using animals in the laboratories as subjects for the conduction of researches and experimentations is really undeniable. Truly, it has led to the most promising advances in the medicine world today. However, the human and animals are different in each of the different aspects of life and that the fact that these differences are immense and wide in range, certain ideas can be assumed that not all the medicines and treatments that have passed the animals can also pass the humans.

Not all medications that cure certain diseases in the animals can also cure the very same disease in humans. The idea that medicines that have been made and manufactured for human diseases should always and be initially treated to animals before doing the standard test to human beings is not applicable at all times. Due to the immense differences in the species, the human body is totally different from the bodies of animals. And by these, the probability of the misleading effects of animal tests can be very high in some aspects.

One example is about the tranquilizing effect of morphine to human beings but a total stimulating chemical for cats. Another is the effect of aspirin in some animals such as monkeys, mice and dogs. It was discovered that aspirin when consumed by animals at a high percentage causes birth defects while not in human beings. Because of these differences, it is not always appropriate to use animals as primary subjects for testing. Moreover, the idea that the use of animals in testing has helped a lot in the thought of knowing how safe a medicine is to humans is completely incorrect.

Regardless of the colossal animal testing, undesirable medical effects and reactions is one of the principal reasons of death in the leading countries such as the United States and the other countries in the Europe. And still, there are other difference sin the effects of prescribed medicines to humans as compared to their effects in animals. One is the effect of a drug called tamoxifen which is used to give women prevention to breast cancer. This drug when tested to rats actually caused the formation of liver cancer in rats.

Moreover, other medicines which are primarily used to treat certain kinds of diseases may lead to another type of disease. An example is the cyclosporin. This drug is given to human beings who have recently experienced transplants. This drug was known to help the body adjust to the new organ transplanted and prevents the body form rejecting the new organ. However, according to studies, the drug has been known to have been very dangerous to the kidney, liver and the nervous system. In general, the process of animal testing includes the use of a massive number of animals in the laboratory.

And prior to the recommendation of the newly manufactured treatments to humans, the scientists and experimenters have already exploited and wasted the lives of numerous animals jus for the benefit of the humankind. It is not always right for one to say that since human beings are the highest for of animals, they have always the right to exploit the lives of those animals use them in any way that they could for the matter of their own safety. And like humans, animals must also have the right to live and in the process of using the animals in tests, massive abuse of animals is clearly exhibited.

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