Microorganism Eubacteria

Abstract. Bacteria constitute a wide group of micro-organisms that have different qualities and physiological, biochemical, cytological, and genetical characteristics. Their morphology, nutrition, habitat and metabolism differ from one taxonomic class to the other. Eubacteria also known as true bacteria is the largest group of bacteria and have a diverse taxa. This class of bacteria has been studied for long and has been found to be the main cause of many bacterial diseases. They are present anywhere and their most favorable habitat is soil, where they occur in abundance(students guide.

In). Objectives; The main objective of this research paper is to outline the characteristics of Eubacteria, their description and other important factors about Eubacteria justification; Bacteria have a great importance both to plants and animals. Nitrogen fixing bacteria serve a great role to the leguminous plants which later benefit the human being and the animals that feed on the respective plants. They convert atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia, nitrite and nitrate which are usable forms for the plant roots to manufacture food and plant requirements such as nucleic acids and protein.

An example is the Rhizobium species. Some bacteria are sources of antibiotics that help control bacterial infections by other species, for example the Streptomyces that is used to produce streptomycin. ( Kingdom monera, the prokaryotes) Introduction In the medical world, the word “bacteria” almost always rings a bell – Disease. Because of this, bacteria are seen as organisms that are harmful. This is not so, as bacteria are quite a diverse group. They have been very successful because of the diversity they enjoy.

The have successfully colonized every habitat. And some of them can survive incredibly harsh conditions. They have a wide range of nutrition patterns. This has made their quest for diversity even easier. Bacteria are also involved in a number of biochemical reactions that make the world more habitable. From Nitrogen fixation in the soil, to fermentation, we can also talk about putrefaction which is the decay of dead organic matter. Termites need the services of cellulose digesting bacteria for them to be able to digest the plant materials they ingest.

Others, however, are a source of concern to medical practitioners as they can cause pathologic conditions that can be life threatening in animals, man inclusive. Bacteria constitute one of the Eubacteria kingdom. This kingdom is the most recently evolved with characteristics such as heterotrophic (those that can live anywhere mostly as parasites including human body), auto trophic (Eubacteria that obtain energy through photosynthesis), chemotrophic (Eubacteria that obtain their energy through conversion of inorganic matter to organic matter) and organism dependent (taxonomy).

These kingdoms are grouped according to the sequence of the 16S rRNA that is different in the various bacteria of the kingdom Eubacteria. These are as follows, Saprospirae, spirochaetae, Oxyphotobacteriae, Photeobacteriae, Thermotogae, Firmicutae, Chlorosulfatae, Pirellae, Chloroflexae and Phyla of uncertain status(Taxonomy of Eubacteria,28/07/08).

Eubacteria have an ion gradient systems that work just the same as other important ion systems. The energy form used in Eubacteria is in the form of ATP, which is used to pump out sodium ions against the concentration gradient …

This characteristic forms the basis of classification of Eubacteria. They are mainly classified as either Spherical Eubacteria also known as the cocci, spiral or helically-shaped Eubacteria (Spirilla), or rod-shaped Eubacteria (bacilli) . Morphology; Eubacteria are unicellular Prokaryotic cells with a …

Microbial community plays an important role in soils. These organisms are diverse and dynamic, performing beneficial activities such as decomposing organic matter, making nitrogen available and, sometimes, suppressing certain undesirable soil pathogens (Graham & Mitchell, 1997). The active part of …

1. Identify the difference between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria Bacteria is a single celled organism, bacteria have evolved to thrive in almost any environment and can be found in almost any substance/surface and also in the human body, …

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