Mentally Handicapped People

The other half would be sort of bad, due to the fact that she wouldn’t be able to move around easily. It’s bad enough for us to move from classes as the corridors are not wide enough but for the wheelchair pupil, she would struggle everyday to get enough space. Most of the classrooms are packed and it’s unlikely that she would be comfortable knowing that she is getting special attention because of her disability, whereas if she was in a disabled children’s school she would find it easy to get along with other children in her situation. They would emphasise with each other and they understand what they’re all going through.

The classwork and the teachers would be no problem because she would get loads of help anyway like the rest of us but around rush hours such as lunchtime she would find it extremely uncomfortable with the space provided. Maybe she could try a school with more help for disabled such as Trinity High School which has wide corridors and special help for wheelchair pupils. I think she would find it easier over there where she could move around freely.

Christian response to Disability: Christians support disabled people and have done many things to help make them feel comfortable within their own community. Christians believe that mentally handicapped people have as much to give and share just like normal “people”. “In a report on mentally handicapped people it is shown that they have much to give, they share our common humanity and like us all are children of God.” This extract was taken from The Local Church and Mentally Handicapped People”.

I personally agree with it because no matter your race, colour, or gender, we are all children in God’s eyes. He loves us all equally. The Founder of “L’Arche”, Jean Varnier, once quoted “Mentally handicapped people can be an inspiration to others, they can help us understand ourselves and the often inhuman values of the rest of the world. This is true because learning how to cope with different situations helps us humans to develop our characters in different ways, for example, this case of disabled people, if you have to live with someone with a mental disability, you would learn to live with it and help the person as much as you could.

This would improve your personality and make you more aware and you’d show more appreciation and gratefulness for what you’re benefiting and realise the pain that some people go through. ” It has been shown that mentally handicapped people can make their marriage promises as sincerely and with as much understanding as other people…” This was taken from ” The Local Church and Mentally Handicapped People ” This suggests that like normal people, the disabled can make decisions for themselves and can have responsibilities towards certain things. It shows that disabled people can lead “a normal life” in the presence and comfort of others within their community.

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