Major depression, as said earlier, is a dangerous mental health illness because it can increase the tendency of the patients diagnosed with the illness to commit suicide. If the client feels too much anxiety, it may cause him to kill his self. But, major depression can be treated. There are different types of treatment for patients with major depression. Because major depression is caused by chemical imbalances of the neurotransmitters, medications can be given to the patient. There is also psychotherapy to help the patient overcome his negative thoughts.
For severe cases of depression, there is electroconvulsive therapy if medications couldn’t help. In the case of the client, he could be given anti-depressants. Anti-depressants release hormones so it could improve the stress-managing capability of our brain. The client may also be asked to participate in the psychotherapy sessions so he could help him identify with himself. The client may be advised to change his coping strategy into strategies which focuses more on resolving the conflict and not staying away from it.
Instead of shutting the people off during confrontation, he should try to listen and think calmly before he reacts to the incident. Also, the client should understand that distracting the self away from the problem wouldn’t resolve the problem. It would only result to accumulation of the consequences of the problems. Instead of playing with computer games, the client may try to put his thoughts into writing and do his own blog. It is a good outlet of emotional outbursts.
It may also help to lighten the burden if someone else could know about one’s problems and agree with one’s thoughts. Social support is vital in the treatment. Major depression doesn’t occur within oneself only. It is built by social interaction. The support of the family is very important. Sometimes, the solidarity of the family also defines our solid relationship with ourselves. Friends also help us cope easily because they lend us their ears and having to tell all your worries to someone, somehow, lighten the burden.
It helps because we could find someone who won’t laugh at us but laugh with us. Participating in social groups with people of same problems also helps. In the case of the client, it may be best to have a family therapy so everyone could understand each other well and that the family can rebuild their relationship. There have been studies which have proved that having pets can help relieve the stress. It helps because it minimizes the moments when the patients with depression feel lonely.
It would also be very helpful if the client would stay away from unhealthy lifestyle of drinking and smoking. It lowers the levels or contributes to the dysfunctioning of the neurotransmitters. Post-treatment Major depression is a recurring problem. Even after treatment, there can be repeated episodes of the depression. Symptoms may show up but not exactly how it showed up during the early manifestations of the depression. It is difficult to deal with it because of that. But, with repeated sessions with professionals, major depression can be completely treated.
Counseling is vital in the treatment of major depression. Cooperation of the patient is more vital so that the patient will be able to completely overcome the illness.
iVillage, Inc. 2008. Major Depression. Your total Health. Retreived March 4, 2009 from http://yourtotalhealth. ivillage. com/major-depression. html. National Alliance on Mental Illness. 2006. Major Depression. Retrieved March 4, 2009 from http://www. nami. org/Template. cfm? Section=By_Illness&template=/ContentManagement/ContentDisplay. cfm&ContentID=7725.