Mental Health

There are many different types of medication that are necessary for those who are suffering from bipolar disorder. These include that there are mood stabilizers, medications that are one of the oldest types of medications that have been used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Some of these medications are anticonvulsants that have previously been used as a treatment for seizures. Some other medications that are used are atypical antipsychotic medications. These medications are newer than the traditional medications.

Another type of medication that is used to treat those who have bipolar disorder are antidepressant medications (NIMH 2008). The use of medications can provide a lot of relief for many of the symptoms of bipolar disorder. There are so many different ways that medications can be administered and there are so many different types of involvement that can be used. Therapy There are many different types of psychotherapy that are available. There are some common types of psychotherapy that are used. One of these is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT.

This type of therapy works with the individual to teach him/her how to change harmful or hateful thought patterns through self control. Another type of therapy is family-focused therapy. This type of therapy is one that involves the family in order to help the individual to see how their actions affect those who are around them. A third type of common therapy that is used is interpersonal and social rhythm therapy. This type of therapy is used as a way of teaching the individual how to improve their daily relationships with others.

This type of therapy incorporates daily routines and sleep schedules that were available to help protect those around them. The last common type of therapy is psychoeducation. This type of therapy teaches the individual things about themselves and about the their illness (NIMH 2008). Sometimes it is said in combined modality treatments work better with the patients who are suffering from bipolar disorder. This means that the therapist or the treatment practitioner uses different forms of therapy in a combined model in order to be able to get the most positive results.

These types of combinations can teach many different things. Combination There are so many different treatments that can be offered for patients who have bipolar disorder. For some the idea of just medication treatment or just therapy treatment does not seem to be the best type of overall treatment for the individual. In the end what can be found is that a combination approach may be seen as being more affective for those who are suffering from bipolar disorder. In one research article there was a study that was conducted by researchers at Brown Medical School and Butler Hospital.

These researchers conducted a large clinical trial assessing pharmacology versus pharmacology plus family intervention for bipolar disorder. Assessment tests and measures used include the Structural Clinical Interview for the DSM-III-R, Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale, Credibility and Expectancy Scale, and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. They found the results were largely consistent with the hypothesis that patients treatment expectancies and therapeutic alliance in pharmacotherapy are predictive of outcomes in bipolar disorder.

Expectancies and therapeutic alliance were most consistently predictive of the number of months patients remained in treatment and medicated by patient- and doctor-rated alliance. The addition of family therapy did not differentially influence the affects of alliance and expectancies on outcomes (Gaurdiano and Miller 2006). Overall many therapy models promote the use of combined type therapies for those who are suffering from bipolar disorders. The National Institute for Mental Health even claims that the best possible treatments for bipolar disorder are to offer combined treatments of medication and therapies (NIMH 2008).

Since bipolar disorder affects the whole person there is no doubt that it does indeed affect a lot of the issue that are prevalent in society and how an individual is able to focus and learn through society. There are …

In the past there have been many different definitions of the disorder that is now known as bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mood and brain disorder. This disorder causes mood wings and unusual shifts in moods, as well as …

The idea of co-morbidity is that there are more than one disorder present at the same time in a patient. There are many other disorders that are commonly seen in those who are diagnosed as having bipolar disorder. Some of …

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can be marked by explosive mood swings and periods of an extreme high or mania combined with other periods of depression. There are many different types of treatment that are used in the …

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