Mental and Physical Effects on Males Suffering from Gynecomastia

The condition of Gynecomastia is simply the abnormal enlargement of the breast particularly for males. The condition usually causes no adverse reactions or any further impairment in the nearby tissue or any other areas in the body. It does not cause any disruption of the normal physiology of the body; however, the effects of this condition primarily involves psychological and mental in nature. Usually, males manifesting this condition are faced with thought and anxiety of ridicule and shame especially if they turned out as the laughing stock of their environment.

Essentially speaking, the condition of Gynecomastia does not only cause physical form alteration but also degrades self-esteem and confidence of an individual especially if the case if evidently manifested. In fact, the psychological impact of the condition towards men is even greater compared to the physical impact on the body. Scope and Limitation In the course of our study, we shall cover the condition of gynecomastia. We shall discuss the physical changes involved by utilizing pathophysiology of the disease, and also, we shall cover the psychological or mental effects that occur in men suffering from this condition.

The following are the objectives of the over-all research paper that should be met in the end of the discussion. a. To be able to discuss the condition of gynecomastia aiming mainly on physical and mental alterations that occur with the condition. b. To be able to provide physical and mental effects dealt by the condition Discussion Benign proliferation of the glandular tissue of the male breast comprises the histologic hallmark of gynecomastia, which, if great enough, appears clinically as palpable or visual enlargement of the breast.

This condition, which is exceedingly common, may be a sign of serious underlying pathologic condition, may cause physical or emotional discomfort, or may be confused with other breast problems, most significantly carcinoma or cancer (Harris, 2004 p. 76). Usually, the slight temporary enlargement of the breasts is a normal occurrence, with frequency of 70%, in males at puberty stage, which is 10-12 years old (Moore & Dalley, 2006 p. 111).

Breast glandular proliferation commonly occurs in infancy, during puberty, and in older age. It has been estimated that between 60% and 90% of infants exhibit the transient development of palpable breast tissue owing to estrogenic stimulation from the maternal-placental fetal unit. This stimulus for breast growth ceases as the estrogens are cleared from the neonatal circulation, and the breast tissue gradually regresses over 2 to 3 week period.

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