Medicine – Surgery

For each identified term: a. Identify the prefix, suffix and word root where appropriate. b. Please provide a plural or singular form for the selected medical terms, if the term changes form. Example: •Stomach: no additional information needed •Analysis: supply “analyses” the plural format •Appendectomies: supply “appendectomy” the singular format c. Provide both a technical definition, as if you were speaking to a health care professional and a “consumer” definition, as if you were speaking to a patient or nonmedical person. Example: cardiology:

•to a health care professional: cardiology is the study of the cardiac system, including…… (and you would supply appropriate info here). •to a patient: you are having some problems with your heart muscle and we would like to perform some tests to find out exactly what is going on. d. For each term, use the word root to build two related terms. Example: cardiology: word root is “card/ •cardiac •pericardial •cardiography •cardiopulmonary In Section II: Prepare a 500-word or longer “script” for a health care professional to use when explaining to the patient his condition and the proposed procedures.

I. AMBULATORY CARE FACE SHEET Admit Date: 7/8/20XX @ 20:22 Discharge Date/Time: 7/9/20XX @ 10:10 Sex: M Age: 47 Disposition: Home Admitting Diagnosis: Possible torn meniscus of the left knee. Discharge Diagnosis: Left Knee meniscectomy. Procedures: Laparoscopic Surgery to the Left Knee. CONSULTATION Date of Consultation: 7/8/20XX This is a 47-year old male who was in his usual state of health until today. He entered the Emergency Room with severe pain to his left knee and equal amount of edema within the patellar area.

This occurred after the patient fell at an angle on the left knee during a game of football with friends. The patient was evaluated with L-Knee Radiograph and Magnetic Radiograph Imaging (MRI) for soft-tissue films. The L-Knee X-Ray revealed no fractures to the Femur, Patella, Tibia, or Fibula. The MRI revealed a large tear surrounding the meniscus of the left knee. The patient was treated with a left knee splint and crutches with a prescription for Mobic 15mg daily and Tramadol/APAP 37. 5 mg every 4-6 hours for pain. The patient was referred to Orthopedics for surgical repair.

He has no past history of tobacco abuse, previous fractures, or surgeries. Past Medical History: Allergies: No known drug allergies. Medications: None. Surgeries: None. Medical History: History of Chronic Otitis Externa Family History: Noncontributory. Review of Systems: No medical abnormalities. Physical Examination: Vital Signs: BP 130/80, P 92, T 98. 5 General: This is a well-developed and well-nourished anxious black male in mild distress. Head and neck are normocephalic and the oropharynx is clear. The left knee shows 5+ edema and patient is unable to bend at knee joint connection.

The patient’s left leg is not weight bearing and the pain level continues to be a 6 to 7 on the pain scale. The patient is using crutches and wheelchair for mobility. All other musculoskeletal joints are with free range of motion. Neurologic with no focal deficits. Impression: Inpatient laparoscopic surgery for total left knee meniscectomy. Local anesthetic total block of the patellar region. II. OPERATIVE REPORT Date of Procedure: 7/8/20XX Procedure: Laparoscopic Meniscectomy of Left Knee Preoperative Medication: Demerol 50 mg IV, Robinal 3 mg IV, Xylocaine with 1% Epinephrine.

Preoperative Diagnosis: 1. Total Left Knee Meniscus Tear. Postoperative Diagnosis: Status-post foreign body removal. Clinical Note: This is a 47-year-old black male with a total meniscus tear of the left knee caused by a causal game of tag football. The patient felt a pop after falling on the left knee at an angle causing severe pain and edema. The patient was taken to the emergency room for x-rays of the left leg and MRI to the left patellar region. He was referred to the orthopedics clinic for laparoscopic surgery to the left knee meniscus.

Findings: After obtaining informed consent, he was premedicated with Demerol, Robinal, Xylocaine with 1% Epinephrine without any complications. The patients’ left knee was laparoscoped in the meniscus and the anterolateral and anteromedial parapatellar portholes. The synovium in the suprapatellar pouch showed moderate to severe inflammatory changes with villi formation and hyperemia. Similar changes were noted in the intercondylar groove. The patient tolerated the procedure well, and his post-procedure vital signs are stable. Recommendations: 1.

Clear liquids for 24 hours. 2. Follow-up in the office in 2 days. RADIOLOGY REPORTS Date: 7/8 Procedure Performed: Soft-tissue neck. There is a curvilinear density in the region of the base of the tongue that could conceivably represent a small bone. The airway is intact throughout. No other abnormalities are visible. ENDOSCOPY ORDERS Date: 7/8 Admit to Endoscopy Department. Obtain consent for procedure, signed and witnessed. Start IV of 55 cc D5W or NS TO KVO or heparin lock. Preoperative Medications: Versed 3 mg IVP, Demerol 50 mg IVP, apply pulse oximeter.

This is a 47-year-old male who was in his usual state of health until today entered the Emergency Room with severe pain to his left knee and equal amount of edema within the patellar area. This occurred after the patient …

“Surgery”. This is the seven letter word that fascinates me and grasps my attention with no effort. As I sat in the hospital room with my sick young cousin, this was the only word I heard come out of the …

“Surgery”. This is the seven letter word that fascinates me and grasps my attention with no effort. As I sat in the hospital room with my sick young cousin, this was the only word I heard come out of the …

More and more patients are requiring extensive care including total parental nutrition, and long term antibiotic therapy, for what should have been a simple abdominal surgery. An enterocutaneous fistula (ECF) occurs when an abnormal connection occurs between an organ, vessel, …

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