Medicine and Inmate Organization

Conduct of rehabilitation and treatment programs – The Bureau shall undertake rehabilitation and treatment programs to help an inmate lead a responsible, law abiding and productive life upon release. Rehabilitation and treatment programs – Rehabilitation and treatment programs shall focus on providing services that will encourage and enhance the inmate’s self-respect, self-confidence, personal dignity, and sense of responsibility. Guidelines for rehabilitation and treatment programs:

Corrective and rehabilitation services shall include religious guidance; psychotherapy; socialization; health; and sanitation; vocational training; mental; physical and sports development; and value formation and education. Program activities for offenders with special needs shall be placed under the supervision of a social welfare offer in coordination with other correctional officers with special skills and specialized observed. A regular calendar of activities shall be observed.

The Superintendent shall be periodically informed on the progress or result of the rehabilitation and treatment programs being implemented. There shall be a special wing for neuro-psychiatric in a prison hospital to be laced under the special supervision of a medical officer. INMATE SERVICES Inmate services – As part of the prison rehabilitation treatment program, the inmate shall be guaranteed to health, educational, religious, and related rehabilitation services.

Health services – Health care and services shall be given to inmates similar to those available in the free community and subject to prison regulations. A prison shall have at last one medical doctor and a dentist. Medical consultation and visiting hours – Medical consultation and visiting hours shall be established by the Superintendent in consultation with the medical staff. Basic guidelines on medical consultations – the following guidelines shall be observed whenever an inmate visits a prison hospital/ clinic for consultation and/ or treatment – a.

The inmate shall be in proper uniform during consultations. b. He shall be attended to on a “first-come, first-served” basis. c. The number of inmates allowed at the hospital/clinic for consultation/treatment shall depend on the number of available doctors. d. An inmate shall be subjected to body search upon entering and leaving the prison hospital/clinic. e. In emergency cases, only the medical staff and patient shall be allowed inside the emergency room. f. An inmate shall not loitezr in the hospital/clinic or leave the same without permission from the medical staff.

g. Visitors of inmates shall not be allowed to stay inside the hospital/clinic to attend to the sick inmate without the permission of the prison medical staff. h. Children below twelve (12) years of age shall not be allowed to stay inside a hospital ward or treatment room. i. Patients in the hospital shall not be required to stand for checking. Pregnant CIW inmates – In the ICW, there shall be special accommodations for pregnant women. Whenever practicable, however, arrangements shall be made for children to be born in a hospital outside the prison.

Pregnant ICW inmate – – An infant born while the mother is serving sentence in the CIW may be allowed to stay with the mother for a period not exceeding one (1) yea. After the lapse of said period, if the mother of the infant fails to place the child in a home of her own, the Superintendent shall make arrangements with the Department of Social Welfare the CIW shall have a nursery staffed by qualified personnel. Recommendation for release of seriously-ill inmate – The prison medical officer shall visit all sick inmates daily and attend to those who complain of any ailment.

He shall render a report to the Superintendent whenever he considers that an inmate’s mental or physical health ha been or will be injuriously affected by continued imprisonment or by any condition of confinement. Notification of kin of sick or dead inmate – Whenever an inmate is critically ill or dies, the prison medical officer shall report the matter to the Superintendent who in turn shall notify the inmate’s family by the fastest means of communication available.

Meals in hospital/clinic – Meals shall be served in a prison hospital/ clinic at the same time that food is served to the other inmates, unless directed otherwise by the prison medical officer. Inmates assigned to work in the hospital/clinic shall be provided with food rations coming from the General kitchen. Referral of inmate for outside medical consultation/treatment – An inmate who needs medical treatment or examination that cannot be provided in the prison hospital may be referred to a hospital/ clinic outside the prison for the needed examination, treatment or hospitalization.

Medical Certification – The outside medical examination, treatment or hospitalization of an inmate shall be supported by a certification of the prison medical officer or if there is none by a government physician, which shall specify the exact ailment of the inmate, the treatment or examination required, the duration of the hospitalization that may be required, that in the case of an NBP or CIW inmate, the request for outside medical referral shall be forwarded by the Director to the Secretary for approval at least one (1) day before the proposed referral.

Referral to government hospital – Unless absolutely necessary, an inmate shall be referred to a government clinic, hospital or institution for the required examination, treatment or hospitalization. If the referral is made to private institution, the express incident thereto shall be borne by the inmate. Outside referral for dental work – Except in emergency cases, no dental work for an inmate shall be done outside the prison, and in case of restoration work, expenses shall be borne by the inmate.

Certificate of Completion – The inmate shall be issued a certificate/diploma upon successful completion of an educational program or course. The certificate shall form part of his prison record. Recreational and cultural activities – Recreational and cultural activities shall be provided in all prisons for the benefit of the mental and physical health of the inmate.

Donation of human organ; form of donation – The Director may authorize an inmate to donate to a licensed physician, surgeon, known scientist or any medical or scientific institution, including eye banks, and other similar institutions, any organ, part or parts of his body and to utilize the same for medical, surgical or scientific purposes, or for the utilization for medical, surgical, or scientific purposes, of said organ, or body part or parts which, for a legitimate reason, would be detached from the body of the grantor, subject to the following conditions: a.

The organ or body part or parts being donated shall be detached after the death of the inmate. b. The authorization to detach or use the organ or body part or parts shall be in writing; specify the person or institution granted the authorization, the organ, part or parts to be detached, the specific use or uses of the organ or body part or parts to be employed; and shall be signed by the inmate and attested by two disinterested witnesses. c. The donation is approved by the proper court.

Disposition of cadaver of deceased inmate – Unless claimed by his family, the body of an inmate dies in prison may be turned over to an institution of learning or any scientific research center designated by the Secretary, for the purposes of study and investigation, provided that such institution shall provide a decent burial of the remains. Burial of convict – In no case shall the burial of a convict be held with pomp. Adult education – All illiterate inmates shall attend adult education classes.

Literate inmates may attend classes corresponding to their educational level. Educational programs for inmates – A prison may offer any or all of the following educational programs: a. Elementary Education; b. Secondary Education; c. College Education; and d. Vocational training INMATE ORGANIZATIONS Purpose and scope – The Bureau shall allow inmates to participate in approved inmate organizations for recreational, social, civic, and benevolent purposes.

Application for recognition of an inmate organization – An inmate may file a written request for recognition of a proposed inmate organization to the Superintendent. Application of an inmate organization – The Superintendent may approve an inmate organization if he finds that: a. The organization has a constitution and by laws duly approved by its members. b. The organizations does not operate in opposition to the security, good order, or discipline of the prison.

Supervision of inmate organization – The Assistant Superintendent shall be responsible for monitoring the activities of the prison’s inmate organizations. Dues – The inmate organization may not collect dues from its members. Organization activities – An officer of the inmate organization must submit a written request for approval of an activity to the Superintendent. The request must specifically include: a. Name of the organization; b. Nature or purpose of the activity; c.

Estimated cost, if any; d. Information concerning guest participation; and e. Other pertinent information requested by the Superintendent. Approval of Activity – The Superintendent may approve an activity of an inmate organization if the same: a. Does not conflict with scheduled inmate work or program activities; b. Has confirmation of staff supervision; c. Can be appropriately funded when applicable; and d. Does not conflict with the security, good order, or discipline of the prison.

Use of government funds for activity – When an activity of an inmate organization requires the expenditure of government funds, the Superintendent ordinarily shall require reimbursement from non-inmate participants, including civilian guests or members. Records of inmate organization – Each inmate organizations shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of its activities. Suspension of activities of inmate organization – The activities of an inmate organization may be suspended temporarily by the Superintendent due to non-compliance with Bureau Rules and/policies.

Withdrawal of approval of an inmate organization – The Superintendent may withdraw approval of an inmate organization for reasons of the security, good order, and discipline of the prison, or for serious or continuous violation of prison rules and/ or policies. Funding of activities – the Bureau may fund approved activities of inmate organizations or organization request for purchase of equipment or services for all inmates subject to the availability of funds. Thank You!!

Conduct of rehabilitation and treatment programs – The Bureau shall undertake rehabilitation and treatment programs to help an inmate lead a responsible, law abiding and productive life upon release. Rehabilitation and treatment programs – Rehabilitation and treatment programs shall focus …

Conduct of rehabilitation and treatment programs – The Bureau shall undertake rehabilitation and treatment programs to help an inmate lead a responsible, law abiding and productive life upon release. Rehabilitation and treatment programs – Rehabilitation and treatment programs shall focus …

Infectious disease is any disease that is able to spread among our public and contained population, thus being called infectious. An infectious disease travels through the environment, as it passes from one person to another through means of airborne, droplets, …

Infectious disease is any disease that is able to spread among our public and contained population, thus being called infectious. An infectious disease travels through the environment, as it passes from one person to another through means of airborne, droplets, …

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