Medicare and Medicail

Opponents of the universal health care argue that innovative technology would decrease and there would be longer queues if health care was made universal. However his can is counteracted by the fact that if more investment were done on universal health care then the issue of inefficiency would not arise. It has been found that Canada fails in improving the efficiency of health care provision due to less investment on quality technology. Denying people their rights to basic and very essential services the basis of their income or social status is unethical.

Provision of essential services should be unison and not on the basis of economic well being of individuals. In US health care entails a mixture of both private and public spending. Government insurance programs include the Medicare and Medicaid. Not seeking preventing services or delaying before seeking medical to handle curative measures than preventive measures. Offering selective coverage is inefficient. Catering for children and not addressing adults who are not covered by their employers sees them lack accessibility to medical care.

According to a research by commonwealth fund approximately 37% of adults in the U. S forego medical care due to cost by not taking prescribed drugs or not visiting the doctor at all. Health insurance acquisition entails much paper work and hinders people accessibility if they prove to be more susceptible to common ailments or chronic illnesses. Universal health care is the sure way of creating equality. Since the minority groups have higher mortality rates and lower life expectancy establishment of national health care would see such rates reduced and life expectancy increase.

All Americans should have equal rights to affordable health care. About 100,000 Americans die from medical errors and thus could be reduced by providing affordable, comprehensive and portable coverage for all people in America. If people were not turned away from insurance plans due to their illnesses or pre existing conditions the minority groups with chronic diseases would be catered for. Again, the mental health care that have been neglected should be addressed preventive health care should also be considered.

Easy enrollment would ensure more people acquire health insurance. To cater for vulnerable populations like the children mandatory coverage should be established. The U. S health care system performed poorly compared to other industrialized countries according to the Commonwealth fund commission. It performed poorly in quality, efficiency and cost. Deaths that could have been prevented are normal occurrences due to untimely and inefficiencies in care given. Complex and inaccessible health insurance worsens the situation.

Universal health care entails the government catering for the health services of most of her citizens. Some people claim that achieving universal health care would be beyond reach as it would lead to increased costs of health. They further argue that health care provision is not the responsibility of the government. The government should only provide for the means to acquire income and people should use their incomes to finance their health care. The three major issues to consider in health are costs, accessibility, and quality.

Taxes would have to be raised, and medicine would be socialized leading to inefficiency free care is feared to encourage people to see the doctor for minor issue. (Oliver, 2005) However, regardless of all these arguments, health care should be made universal so that equality levels are raised. The poor should be catered for as they too are part of the country. To attain sustainable development health should be addressed to ensure that costs are affordable and hence accessible. All in all quality must be enhanced.

Denying people access to quality and affordable health care is in itself a form of injustice.

References: Brown E. 2005. Job-based coverage drops for adults and children but public programs boost children’s coverage. Policy Brief UCLA Cent Health Policy, Millwood. Miller C E. 2005. Access to care for people with special needs: role of alternative providers and practice settings. Oliver Mossialos. 2005. European health systems reforms: looking backward to see forward? Pijnenburg A and Gordijn B. 2005. Identity and moral responsibility of healthcare organizations

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