Medical Report

Make a work flow for performing these processes. This work flow helps in guiding the workers that in what direction and sequence they have to work out. This predefined sequence makes the things easier and simpler and the work is then performed in step by step manner. A team should be developed and a leader should be selected. The leader should be the person who is well aware of the EMR and its different functions as well as the tasks that are to be attained. He should be very much devoted to his task and should also motivate the other employees.

Communication with the staff should be proper. Lack of communication can cause many problems. The entire staff should be aware of what has been done up till now and what are the problems and difficulties faced, if any. Test the appropriate soft ware before implementing it. Database should be set up for testing that whether it is working properly or not. All the functions should be tested that whether they are functioning properly or not. It is not a good practice to assume that the soft ware is working properly. Volume testing should be done.

This step is some times seems to be a useless option and wastage of time but it is important and very beneficial to perform volume testing few times each time having different volumes. It should also be confirmed that the software that you are going to use is error free and virus free. All these software assurance and testing should be done before the implementation or before the go live phase. If it is not tested before that it can cause huge amount failures. Develop a structure before deploying the hardware. This is the crucial stage and the fulfillment of the project is mostly dependent on this phase.

Like software, the hardware should also be tested before. As it is a client server approach so it contains a huge amount of data residing in it therefore also for the purpose of security the hard ware and software should be well established and secure. The locations of all the peripherals and hardware equipments should be pre decided like printers, kiosks, terminals, workstations, servers, access points and so on. It should be kept in mind that all the hard wares and soft wares should be given proper time to update.

Testing should also be done before making the system ready for the use. All the installations and testing should be done before the staff is involved in learning the system. The software and hardware test should be a dummy test having volume but not that much volume for which it is designed. After interfacing the hardware and software all the system should be tested in front of a team. At this moment many problems arise and are discussed that were not in mind previously. If such problems are caught then at this point it is easy to solve them and make the system free of errors.

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