Medical News

Some people may say that nicotine is only a small factor that causes heart diseases as compared to stress and genetics. Personally, I believe that these two are out of our control, and are not cured with excessive smoking. No one should suffer from a detrimental health due to exposure of smoking. Living a clean, healthy life is the best answer to avoid such diseases. According to the website of the American Lung Association, an estimated 35,000 people die every year due to the inhalation of contaminated air produced by smokers.

People who have been exposed to smokers, even for half an hour, may increase their risk of having heart diseases (American Lung Association, 2006). With the given statement, we can definitely say that both smokers and nonsmokers are at risk from having different diseases attributed to smoking. This little fact should make the government and its officials realize the the hazards of such habitual vice that is detrimental to the health of society. It may be the right of an individual to choose to smoke and eventually die because of it, but people who live healthy lives should not receive the same fate as these smokers.

We should be given the opportunity to live a clean and healthy lifestyle. In addition, a smoking ban would make restaurants more attractive and pleasant to visit and dine in. I remember one experience when I was in my favorite restaurant. While I was getting ready to eat one of my favorite dishes, I noticed a thick cloud of smoke coming from the table from across the room. Soon, the whole dining room was surrounded with a thick gray cloud which came from the cigarettes of the smokers and this made my me feel sick.

No one desires to be placed in a dining room that is filled with contaminated air. It does not only hit our lungs, but also mixes with the food we eat. People suffer from the revolting smell, causing difficulty in breathing, and strained eyes. They come to restaurants to have a taste of such delectable meals, but end up injuring their health through the inhalation of the said smoke. Second hand smoking affects the health of children more than the other people. Imagine children having to suffer from the inhalation of smoke that their parents find joy in.

Babies and toddlers, in particular, are more at risk than the older children for they breathe more, and are susceptible to the harmful chemicals emitted by the habitual vice. There is an increase in the inhalation of carbon monoxide, that results in the decrease of oxygen supply in the blood. One of the diseases that became rampant in children nowadays were Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), lung infections, and ear infections. A fact sheet was released which states that secondhand smoking is the cause for 1,900 – 2,700 SIDS cases in the United States alone (American Lung Association, 2006).

This fact has sent shivers down my spine, making me think of the possible consequences smoking can have in my life and in the lives of my future children. Many of the smokers do not realize the damage that they have caused in the health of children. According to the report made at the MSNBC website, the effects of smoking have been clearly evident in the health of children. When a woman smokes while she is pregnant, the unborn child is also affected because he or she exposed to secondhand smoking. These babies would more likely die due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (Associated Press, 2006).

In addition to this, mothers who smoke during their pregnancy, or even those who were exposed to second hand smoking tend to have weaker lungs after birth. This increases their risk of having different kinds of health problems. Imagine how a single stick of cigarette may cause much damage to the life of both children and babies. Think about the sufferings endured by these babies even before they were born. Some were not fortunate enough to see the light of day. Why do they have to pay for the wrong choices people make? Hopefully, we can learn from the other states and countries who have banned smoking in public.

According to the Science Daily website, the ban imposed in public smoking was well received in Italy. Recent studies have shown that there was an 11. 2% decrease in the number of coronary cases among 35- 64 years old patients, and 7. 9% reduction for ages 64-74 years old. The study also showed that smoking habits of the people have changed over the past years. There was a whopping 34. 9 % drop in male smokers, while 20. 6% for the women (Science Daily, February 12, 2008). The results have shown that progress may be accomplished in a year, or so.

So what are we waiting for? We should start making the necessary actions that can help us achieve a healthy lifestyle for our society. According to the Medical News Today website, Professor Alex Markham mentioned that there were important things smokers consider. It was stated that the said professor believed that workers would not only be protected in the hospital industry, but this would also encourage smokers, especially those who were always in bars and clubs to quit the habitual vice. Surveys have shown that two-thirds of smokers are willing to quit.

Scientists estimate that a smoking ban would save almost 5000 lives each year (Medical News Today, 2004). For some states, the workplace does not only reduce second hand smoke, but also discourages smoking by the employees. Professor Alex Markham also added that the smoke ban will not only help the smoker, but the non-smokers as well. Furthermore, he also stated that two thirds of the smokers in the state are willing to quit the habitual vice, but they have difficulty because they are influenced by the smell of the cigarettes in the streets (Medical News Today, 2004).

Some of my friends tried to quit smoking, but failed several times and went back puffing the habitual vice. He was nicotine-free for six months, but was influenced once again when he smelled the smoke of the cigarette of the old man sitting beside him. Soon after, he found himself asking the guy for a cigarette stick. Quitting has definitely been hard for them, for they were faced with the daily challenge of smelling the habitual taste of cigarettes. Questions should not be raised as to whether or not smoking should be prohibited in public.

The Government must consider the rights of nonsmokers to live a healthy lifestyle. In conclusion, living with smoke will increase a nonsmoker’s risk of lung cancer, and heart diseases up to 30 %. Think about the children, babies, and more than 100 million nonsmokers exposed to tobacco hazards. In Final, why are our rights of nonsmokers less important than rights of smokers? Smokers should have right to smoke, but to injure someone else’s health is unacceptable in today’s society.


United States Department of Health & Human Services. (2007, January 4). The health consequences of involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke: A report of the surgeon general, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved April 25, 2008 from http://www. surgeongeneral. gov/library/secondhandsmoke/factsheets/factsheet2. html Associated Press. (2006). Report: Ban smoking in public places. MSNBC. Retrieved April 25, 2008 from http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/13569976/ (n. d. ).

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